
Using RegEx Replace function in C# ASP.NET

How do I solve the problem below?

I'm creating a simple content management system, where there is a HTML template with specific markup that denotes where content should be:

<html><head></head><body><!-- #Editable "Body1" --><p>etc etc</p><!-- #Editable "Extra" --></body></html>

Separate from this, there is content in a database field that looks a little like this:

<!-- #BeginEditable "Body1" -->This is Test Text<!-- #EndEditable --><!-- #BeginEditable "Extra" -->This is more test text<!-- #EndEditable -->

As you can guess I need to merge the two, that is, replacing

<!-- #Editable "Body1" -->


This is Test Text

I've begun the code here. But I'm having problems using the Regex Replace function that should be located at the very bottom of that For/Each....

    //Html Template
    string html = "<html><head></head><body><!-- #Editable \"Body1\" --><p>etc etc</p><!-- #Editable \"Extra\" --></body></html>";        

    //Regions that need to be put in the Html Template
    string regions = "<!-- #BeginEditable \"Body1\" -->This is Test Text<!-- #EndEditable --><!-- #BeginEditable \"Extra\" -->This is more test text<!-- #EndEditable -->";

    //Create a Regex to only extract what's between the 'Body' tag
    Regex oRegex = new Regex("<body.*?>(.*?)</body>", RegexOptions.Multiline);

    //Get only the 'Body' of the html template
    string body = oRegex.Match(html).Groups[1].Value.ToString();

    // Regex to find sections inside the 'Body' that need replacing with what's in the string 'regions'
    Regex oRegex1 = new Regex("<!-- #Editable \"(.*?)\"[^>]*>",RegexOptions.Multiline);
    MatchCollection matches = oRegex1.Matches(body);

    // Locate section titles i.e. Body1, Extra
    foreach (Match match in matches)
        string title = oRegex1.Match(match.ToString()).Groups[1].ToString();
        Regex oRegex2 = new Regex("<!-- #BeginEditable \"" + title + "\"[^>]*>(.*?)<!-- #EndEditable [^>]*>", RegexOptions.Multiline);
        // 开发者_如何学PythonReplace the 'Body' sections with whats in the 'regions' string cross referencing the titles i.e. Body1, Extra

Not optimized for performance (or anything else) but it's simple and works :

var html = "<html><head></head><body><!-- #Editable \"Body1\" --><p>etc etc</p><!-- #Editable \"Extra\" --></body></html>";
var regions = "<!-- #BeginEditable \"Body1\" -->This is Test Text<!-- #EndEditable --><!-- #BeginEditable \"Extra\" -->This is more test text<!-- #EndEditable -->";
var regionRegex = new Regex(@"<!-- #BeginEditable ""(?<Name>\w+)"" -->(?<Content>.*?)<!-- #EndEditable -->", RegexOptions.Multiline);
var regionMatches = regionRegex.Matches(regions);

foreach (Match regionMatch in regionMatches)
    var regionName = regionMatch.Groups["Name"].Value;
    var regionContent = regionMatch.Groups["Content"].Value;
    html = html.Replace(string.Format(@"<!-- #Editable ""{0}"" -->", regionName), regionContent);

I would suggest using a templating engine like NVelocity for this kind of stuff.

use MatchEvaluator as anonymous delegate your code will be looks like

string html = "<html><head></head><body><!-- #Editable \"Body1\" --><p>etc etc</p><!-- #Editable \"Extra\" --></body></html>";
string regions = "<!-- #BeginEditable \"Body1\" -->This is Test Text<!-- #EndEditable --><!-- #BeginEditable \"Extra\" -->This is more test text<!-- #EndEditable -->";

Regex oRegex1 = new Regex("<!-- #Editable \"(.*?)\"[^>]*>", RegexOptions.Multiline);

html = oRegex1.Replace(html, delegate(Match m) {
    string title = m.Groups[1].Value;
    Regex oRegex2 = new Regex("<!-- #BeginEditable \"" + title + "\"[^>]*>(.*?)<!-- #EndEditable [^>]*>", RegexOptions.Multiline);
    return oRegex2.Match(regions).Groups[1].Value;

It might be better to use the Html Agility Pack to deal with this for you then resorting to regex's. It can parse Html into a XML like tree in a DOM structure, and it would be easier to handle this problem using this pack.


string sReg = @"<body.*?>((?<Region>\<\!\-\-\s+\#Editable\s?\\$(?<editable>.+)\\$\s?\-\-\>[^\>]).*?)";
string sNewReg = sReg1.Replace('$', '\"');            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Regex: {0}", sNewReg))
Regex MyRegex = new Regex(sNewReg,
    | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant
    | RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace
    | RegexOptions.Compiled
string sMg = "<html><head></head><body><!-- #Editable \\\"Body1\\\" --><p>etc etc</p><!-- #Editable \\\"Extra\\\" --></body></html>";
Match m = MyRegex.Match(sMg);
if (m.Success)
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}", m.Groups["editable"].Value));

Note how I had to use the dollar sign in place to prevent escaping, and replace it with a double quote at runtime..

Hope this helps, Best regards, Tom.





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