
Is the google docs embeddable previewer out of beta and will it have an have an API?

https://docs.google.com/viewer is awesome, but there are some customizations I need to make, and documentation would be helpful. Discovered here http://googlesystem.blogspot.com... . Haven't seen any public documentation that would help.

http://code.google.com/apis/documents/overview.html covers the Google docs - where the above is more a clone of the Google Book开发者_如何学Pythons previewer http://books.google.com/books .

Google docs viewer has been embeddable for some time. There are instructions here.

You can embed PDFs, PPTs, TIFFs, and even some DOCs in an iFrame by simply adding the parameter &embedded=true to the URL of a typical viewer page. So, to embed a pdf at http://example.com/file.pdf, you could use the following code:

style="width:500px; height:500px;"

(Formatted this way to show as much of the URL as possible.)

Unfortunately there are two unresolved issues with embedding Google Docs Viewer. The first is a cookies issue with IE (not sure which versions but it's not just 6) that requires the user to change a setting and the fact that it shows a login page for users with expired google accounts sessions.

Google Docs viewer in IE Embedded Google Docs PDF viewer displays login page rather than PDF

These appear to be unresolved and cause problems for any serious use of docs viewer in an end-user facing application.





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