
JQUERY UI Modal Tutorial

Can anyone provide a clean example of how to use JQUERY's UI Modal dialog. Surprisingly it's not as simple as you would think.


  1. clicking an element loads a modal

  2. The modal appears showing "Loading..." And then makes an ajax call to get the contents of the modal

  3. The modal can be closed by clicking a close btn or by pressing escape

  4. The modal can be repopened, and when it's reopened it doesn't show the state of the previous modal interaction.


Here is what I currently am doing, but it works very clumsy and doesn't seem at all like a smart solution. Ideas?

var $dialog = $('<div id="sharerdialog"></div>')
    autoOpen: false,
    title: 'Share the item',
    position: 开发者_如何学JAVA['center',150],
    width: 450,
    focus:function(event, ui) {
        $('#dialogcloser').click(function() {
    open: function(event, ui) {
        var title2use = document.title;
        title2use = escape(title2use);          
        $("#sharerdialog").load("/items/ajax/share/index_beta.cfm?itemid=#itemID#&itemtitle=" + title2use);
// Bind the Share btn to Open the Modal
$('#itemshare').click(function() {

The main problem I see with your code, is that you are not adding the dialog to the DOM, therefore, the browser won't display it. My suggestion is that you first try:

var $dialog = $('<div id="sharedialog"></div>')

So that you added it to the DOM, and the browser can display it.

Why so complex?

   $(function() {
    $("#itemshare").click(function() {
        return false;

You can chain it uo in jquery. And in the HTML just have a empty div with the id sharerdialog. May style it hidden

style="display: none;"

But thats it





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