
iPhone: image/advertisment above the navigation controller?

Our application currently looks like this:

[ Navigation Controller]
[       Content        ]
[  Tab Bar Controller  ]

What we want to do now is to add advertising to the free version, which we would like to put on top of the Navigation Cont开发者_如何学编程roller, like this:

[     Advertisment     ]
[ Navigation Controller]
[       Content        ]
[  Tab Bar Controller  ]

So I'm wondering if this is possible and if so, if it would be accepted by Apple for the App Store??

I wanted to do the same for my application. What I did was the following:

In my window I add 2 subviews.

  • One with the advertisement.
  • One with the navigation controller.

This works for me and the advertisements stay on the screen will the user navigates. I created this in the last few days and I'm going to submit this to Apple somewhere in the next few days. But I don't see any reason why they could have a problem with this.

You would probably have to subclass the navigation controller. Have a look at this link Apple's Docs on Nav Controller to understand how the view is overlayed. Subclassing or modifying the frame of the nav bar is the neatest way to accomplish this in my opinion.





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