
How to use UDDI's asynchronous subscription service from a client?

How might one go about implementing the client side for jUDDI v3 asynchronous subscription to listen for business entities to be added or deleted? My understanding is that a subscription is created and then jUDDI somehow calls a webservice. How do I create a subscript开发者_运维技巧ion that points back to my webservice? I've looked through the tutorials and examples, but those seem to focus on synchronous subscriptions. Here is what I've read so far:

V3 API Docs

Apache jUDDI User Help

Another Tutorial from developer.com

I'm guessing this is fairly obvious and I'm missing something, so thank you for your patience.

jUDDI is alive and well.

We have a recent example of doing exactly what you asked for.

Java: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/juddi/trunk/juddi-examples/more-uddi-samples/src/main/java/org/apache/juddi/samples/SubscriptionCallbackExample.java

.NET: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/juddi/trunk/juddi-client.net/juddi-client.net-sample/org.apache.juddi.client.samples/SubscriptionCallbackExample.cs

The jUDDI mailing lists is a good resource. There's also someone usually on freenode #juddi IRC.

Adding more examples and documentation is in the jUDDI issue tracking. Vote for it or donate to draw more attention to asynchronous subscription.


The examples were updated in 3.1.0 and as spy said jUDDI is under development.





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