
How can I read an Excel file using Zend framework?

How can I re开发者_JS百科ad an Excel file using Zend framework?

Try PHPExcel (http://phpexcel.codeplex.com/) you can write to and read from different file formats, like Excel 2007, PDF, HTML,

There is no library in Zend Framework (currently v1.10) which can read or write Microsoft Excel files. There is only a Zend_Service to read Google Spreadsheets. You can use PHPExcel like Lucas suggested or use the PEAR package. Because Zend Framework is a glue framework, you can use both side by side with ZF.

There's a fairly good article on this precise subject within the Zend developer zone - "Reading and Writing Spreadsheets with PHP".

That said, you're likely to need some additional PEAR modules, although that's a fairly low entry requirement it has to be said.

If you want to use PHPExcel, here is something to get you started

The only other resources I am using at the moment are its documentation. Not much info on the web.

The Google Spreadsheets data API allows client applications to view and update Spreadsheets content in the form of Google data API feeds. Your client application can request a list of a user's spreadsheets, edit or delete content in an existing Spreadsheets worksheet, and query the content in an existing Spreadsheets worksheet.





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