
Objective-C for IPhone for Java Developers: Books, Sites, Videos?

[Yes I have seen this question but I do not know C nor C++, otherwise the O'Reilly book would be great. Though some of the answers to the question are helpful]

I do not know C nor C++. I know C#, but only the "managed" stuff. I know Java, but have never dealt with JNI. (I also speak Ruby, PHP, and Basic variants, but that seems to be besides the point).

I would like to learn Objective-C for iPhone development particularly, but开发者_如何学Python I'm coming from "higher-level" languages like Java and C#. Are there any resources that would be a good fit? I would really like something that leverages my existing knowledge and talks in terms of differences between Java (or C#) and Objective-C.

You might find this helpful:


It outlines some common/useful objective-c syntax/patterns/etc and gives you an idea of how they line up with similar ways of doing things in Java or C++.

How about Learn Objective-C for Java Developers by Apress

I would recommend Aaron Hillegas' books. Although not specific to a Java or C# frame of mind they cover the material in a friendly, accessible, yet informative and concise way that I think will appeal to people of most programming backgrounds.

I did the iPhone dev presentation for the Stackoverflow DevDays conf. in London - to an audience of about 90% .Net developers. I've put my slides from that presentation online. Not sure how useful they are without the narrative, but you're welcome to take a look.

I would strongly recommend you look into the Satndford University videos online:


They don't assume C# knowledge, but they do assume programming knowledge in general. The good thing about this is, you shouldn't attack iPhone development with C# in mind. Each language has its own way of doing things and its own quirks. If you try to write Objective-C code using your C# knowledge and patterns, you'll be screwed. You need to attack it with an open mind, and embrace the differences rather than fight it.

Just to add to the great answers if you were to ever consider looking at any videos I would recommend www.thenewboston.org as this site has some amazing video tutorials.

As for a book, you will need a book not only on Objective-C but on Cocoa as well in order to do more advanced GUI type of things.

The book for Objective-C I use is called "Programming in Objective-C" by Stephan G. Kochan. This book is designed for learning to design iOS 7 apps and goes into the Cocoa framework. I personally program in Java and C# and have found this book perfect.

As for a book specifically on Cocoa I cannot say however to get started the book I just recommended is an excellent place to start.

Good luck!





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