
Correct way for custom HTML attributes

I am writing custom form validation javascript library and I am thinking about correct markup syntax. Let's say I have an input that requires number between 1 000 and 10 000.

So far, I came up with something like this:

<input class='validate required number' min='1000' max='10000' />

Is this correct way to do it? I have two problems here:

  1. I don't like using classes. It feels like misuse. Is it OK to use them like this?
  2. My custom attributes min开发者_如何学Go and max don't validate.

Since HTML5 will support this structure, it might be the best way to go:

<input data-validate="very-yes" data-min="1000" data-max="10000"/>

Whereby any "data-..." attribute can be used to store more info. You could also attach this data after using script(s)

It's perfectly fine to use classes like that. In fact, it makes doing things in Javascript and CSS a lot easier.

Custom attributes are not allowed in HTML. The class attribute should be used instead to add custom functionality or style to each tag.

In your case, I would advise adding a class such as "number-1000-10000", and then use Javascript to do the rest.

If you read the jQuery Validation it seems to specify the complicated validation arguments (e.g. max and min values for a field) in JSON format.





验证码 换一张
取 消

