
Singleton and Exception

Whats the best way to design a singleton class that could throw an exception?

Here I have a Singleton (using Bill Pugh's method, documented in Wiki for Singleton).

    private static class SingletonObjectFactoryHolder{
        private static final ObjectFactory INSTANCE = new ObjectFactory();

    private ObjectFactory() throws Exception{
            //create the factory

    public static ObjectFactory getInstance(){
        return SingletonObjectFacto开发者_Python百科ryHolder.INSTANCE;

If an exception is thrown at 2, I would like to propagate it to the caller. However, I can't throw an exception from line 1.

So, is my only option to return a null object if the singleton object wasn't created correctly?


P.S I do realize that this Singleton can break if its loaded via different classloaders or if loaded reflexively, but it's good enough for my purpose.


I am curious, can I not rearrange my design as below to throw exceptions?

Also, I don't need any synchronization (the classloader guarantees that the static inner class will only loaded once and only when getInstance() is called). Thus, thread-safe and lazily-instantiated?

 private static class SingletonObjectFactoryHolder{
           public static ObjectFactory getInstance() throws Exception{
         return new ObjectFactory();

 private ObjectFactory() throws Exception{
        //create the factory

 public static ObjectFactory getInstance(){
    return SingletonObjectFactoryHolder.getInstance();

Thanks again.

Use a static initializer and rethrow the Exception as ExceptionInInitializerError. Click the link to read the Javadoc, you'll see that it suits exactly for this particular functional requirement: handling exceptions during static initialization. A singleton is in fact nothing less or more than a statically and lazily initialized global object.

private static class SingletonObjectFactoryHolder{
    private static final ObjectFactory INSTANCE;
    static {
        try {
            INSTANCE = new ObjectFactory();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);

No need for double checked locking idiom which is considered an anti-pattern and in some circumstances even unsafe.

Just don't throw exception from object's constructor. You can provide init () method and throw your exception from there if it's necessary.

You could check for null INSTANCE inside of getInstance, and lazily initialize it. But typically its best if constructors don't throw, if you can make the constructor safer that would probably be best.

I agree with Arne Burmeister, the code for that would look like:

private static class SingletonObjectFactoryHolder
    private static ObjectFactory INSTANCE;

    private ObjectFactory() 


    public static String getInstance() throws Exception
      return (INSTANCE == null) ? (INSTANCE = new ObjectFactory()) : INSTANCE; 
     // A ternary operator might not be the best fit if you need to throw an exception, but I think it looks nicer than the if(INSTANCE==null){} else{} for lazy instantiation.





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