
How do i clone svn repo on specific port

I'm using msysgit on windows

on old repo i had no problems with this command

git svn clone -s --username=XXX https://URL

but repo has mo开发者_开发技巧ved and now the url is like that: svn://URL:port how can i set this port number ? using

git svn clone svn://URL:port

results with 'mkdir ... not a directory' error, and without port it can't find the repository

I had the same problem. I solved it by simply removing the port number from the svn URL. This worked because I had an entry in my ssh config for that URL that already mapped it to a specific port. If you don't have it configured, the entry in your ssh config would look something like this:

Host my.svnrepo.com
     User your.name
     Port 321

If the server does not accept ssh connection you may be better of trying :

git svn clone "svn://my.svnrepo.com:port" mydir

The repo is then saved in mydir avoiding the mkdir error.

Have you tried -p #### or -e "p ####"? Those would be my 2 guesses.





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