
can not access MovieClip properties in flashDevelop

I know there is something I am doing wrong. In my controls I have keydown events that control my hero. As of right now, I am trying to rotate my hero but he refuses to turn . Below is my Hero Class, my control class, and gameobject class. pretty much all the classes associate with the controls class.

package com.Objects 
    import com.Objects.GameObject;
     * ...
     * @author Anthony Gordon

     [Embed(source='../../../bin/Assets.swf', symbol='OuterRim')]
    public class Hero extends GameObject

        public function Hero() 




Here is my Controls class. This is the class where I am trying to rotate my hero but he doesnt. The keydown event does work cause I trace it.

package com.Objects 
    import com.Objects.Hero;
    import flash.events.*;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
     * ...
     * @author Anthony Gordon
    public class Controls extends GameObject
        private var aKeyPress:Array;
        public var ship:Hero;

        public function Controls(ship:Hero) 
            this.ship = ship;
            IsDisplay = false;
            aKeyPress = new Array();
            engine.sr.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownListener);

        private function keyDownListener(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
            //trace("down e.keyCode=" + e.keyCode);         
            aKeyPress[e.keyCode] = true;

        private function keyUpListener(e:KeyboardEvent):void {
            //trace("up e.keyCode=" + e.keyCode);

        override public function UpdateObject():void

        private function Update():void
            if (aKeyPress[37])//Key press left
                ship.rotation += 3,trace(ship.rotation ); ///DOESNT ROtate      
        }//End Controls



Here is GameObject Class

package com.Objects 
    import com.Objects.Engine;
    import com.Objects.IGameObject;
    import开发者_如何学C flash.display.MovieClip;
     * ...
     * @author Anthony Gordon
    public class GameObject extends MovieClip implements IGameObject
        private var isdisplay:Boolean = true;
        private var garbage:Boolean;
        public static var engine:Engine;
        public var layer:Number = 0;

        public function GameObject() 


        public function UpdateObject():void

        public function GarbageCollection():void

        public function set Garbage(garb:Boolean):void
            garbage = garb;
        public function get Garbage():Boolean
            return garbage
        public function get IsDisplay():Boolean
            return isdisplay;
        public function set IsDisplay(display:Boolean):void
            isdisplay = display;

        public function set Layer(l:Number):void
            layer = l;
        public function get Layer():Number
            return layer



Looks like your keyUpListener and keyDownListener methods aren't calling the UpdateObject function.

Try listening for your KeyboardEvent on stage instead of engine.sr (not sure what that is)

If you put them on anything other than the stage you will need to click that specific thing first to give it focus for the events to work.

Also, the line:

 ship.rotation += 3,trace(ship.rotation );

in your Control class looks a bit broken.





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