
Problem with MAX() and `group by` in an SQL query

I'm writing a particularly troublesome query. It boils down to this:

I obtain a table of the structure:

pid | tid | points

after a pretty large query.

For ease of explanation:

  • pid = problem id
  • tid = team id
  • points = points awarded to that team for that problem.

I want to find the team who has scored max points for a particular pid.

My question is twofold:

  1. If this were a simple table that went by the name teampoints, how do I get the tid that has MAX(points) for every pid? I tried SELECT pid, tid, MAX(points) from teampoints group by pid; but understandably, that would not work

  2. I've arrived at this result after a rather large query. If the answer to my first involves selecting data from teampoints again, is there any way to do that without having to calculate the whole table again?


PS: I use mysql.


I have a few tables in my system, their relevant structures being:

users: uid
teams: tid | eid | teamname
teammembers: tid | uid
events: eid
problems: pid | eid
submissio开发者_如何学Cns: subid | pid | uid | eid | points | subts

Some notes: - problems belong to events - users belong to teams - submissions belong to problems(pid) and users(uid). the submissions table has a redundant eid field, which can always be determined from the pid.

The use case is:

  • users form teams. users are identified by uid, teams by tid. Team members are stored in teammembers table.
  • users can make submissions, which are stored in submissions table. submissions are awarded points. subts is the unix timestamp of when the submission was made.
  • users can submit multiple times for the same problem. the latest submission (max subts) is counted.

now, in this set up I want to find the teamname that has scored maximum points for any given event (eid).

I hope this makes my situation clear. I wanted to ask only what I needed to know. I furnish these details up an a request in the comments.

EDIT: the query that generated the teampoints table is:

SELECT s.pid, teamlatest.tid, s.points 
  FROM  submissions s, teammembers tm, teams t, 
      (SELECT max(maxts) AS maxts, pid, tid 
         FROM (SELECT latest.maxts, latest.pid, t.tid 
                 FROM submissions s, teams t, teammembers tm,
                     (SELECT max(subts) AS maxts, pid, uid 
                        FROM submissions 
                        WHERE eid=3 AND status='P' 
                        GROUP BY pid, uid
                     ) AS latest
                 WHERE s.uid=latest.uid 
                   AND s.pid=latest.pid 
                   AND s.subts=latest.maxts 
                   AND latest.uid=tm.uid 
                   AND tm.tid=t.tid 
                   AND t.eid=3
              ) AS latestbyteam
         GROUP BY pid, tid) AS teamlatest
  WHERE s.pid=teamlatest.pid 
    AND teamlatest.tid=t.tid 
    AND t.tid=tm.tid 
    AND tm.uid=s.uid 
    AND s.subts=teamlatest.maxts

  1. One way:

    SELECT pid, tid, points 
      FROM teampoints
      WHERE (pid, points) IN (
          SELECT pid, MAX(points) 
            FROM teampoints GROUP BY pid

    Another, using joins:

    SELECT s1.*
        FROM teampoints AS s1
        LEFT JOIN teampoints AS s2
           ON s1.pid = s2.pid
           AND s1.points < s2.points
        WHERE s2.tid IS NULL
  2. You can INSERT INTO a temporary table for the complex query:

        pid INT, tid INT, points INT,
        KEY pp (pid, points)
    INSERT INTO scores (pid, tid, points) 
        SELECT <a complex query>

    then SELECT the top scorers from that.

select pid, tid, points
from teampoints tp
where not exists (
    select 1
    from teampoints tp1
    where tp.pid = tp1.pid
    and tp.points < tp1.points)

or somesuch ....

You could store the results of your first query in a temporary table and try something like this

SELECT  pid, tid, points
FROM    teampoints tp
        INNER JOIN (
          SELECT    pid, points = MAX(points) 
          FROM      teampoints 
          GROUP BY  pid
        ) tp_max ON tp_max.pid = tp.pid AND tp_max.points = tp.points

Note that you will get doubles when two teams have equal points on a project.

If you would post your query, it would be easier for us trying to optimize it io trying to invent it all over.





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