
Inserting a control before another control

How do I dynamically insert a control before another control in asp.net. Lets say control1 is some control on the web page and I want to dynamically create and insert a table just before control1.


table1 = new Table();
table1.ID = "Table1";

but what comes next? To add a control as a child I would d开发者_如何学Co: control1.Controls.Add(table1); but how on earth do I insert table1 as the previous sibling of control1 ?

If you want the new control (controlB) to be immediately before controlA, you can determine the index of controlA in the Page.Controls collection, and insert controlB at that location. I believe this will bump controlA forward by one index, making them immediate siblings as desired.

if(Page.Controls.IndexOf(controlA) >= 0)
    Page.Controls.AddAt(Page.Controls.IndexOf(controlA), controlB);


One further note - the above assumes control A and B are on the root page level. You could also use the Parent property to ensure the sibling insertion works no matter where controlA sits in the page hierarchy:

Control parent = controlA.Parent;

if(parent != null && parent.Controls.IndexOf(controlA) >= 0)
    parent.Controls.AddAt(parent.Controls.IndexOf(controlA), controlB);

I'd actually prefer this method as it is more flexible and does not rely on the Page.

Did you try control1.Controls.AddAt(0, table1)? Kind of odd they didn't call the method Insert like most other collection types.





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