
How to reload checkbox in itemrenderer

I am having a problem with a checkbox in my datagrid. It pulls in a dataprovider (xml file) and I am using it to set the checkbox selection with a custom itemrenderer. I then save the datagrid, when updated, back to the xml file.

The checkbox, when clicked, saves to the xml fine.. I know this because when I reload the application it shows the correct result. However, when I just refresh the dataprovider without closing out the flex application then the checkboxes revert back to what they were before the change.

So here is the custom checkbox:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:CheckBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"   >
   override public function set data( value:Object ):void{
    super.data = value;

    trace("data = " + data.@hidden);
    if(data.@hidden == "true")
     this.selected = true;

     this.selected =  false;

And here is where I am calling it:

<mx:DataGridColumn width="75" headerText="hide?" dataField="@hidden">
      <local:itemRendCheckBox />

I imagine what is happening is that everything is updating except the custome itemrenderer. Is there something I can do to tell the checkbox to refresh with the dataprovider?

I think I figured it out, I was calling the datagrid to refresh, which is different then refreshing the actual dataprovider. So instead of myDataGrid.send() I called dataProv.dataprovider.refresh();





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取 消

