
In-place rich text editor, ideally using jQuery [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

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I"m looking to add rich-text in-place editing to a project (so people can see the results of their editing rendered straight away), and so am on the hunt for a rich-text editor that has an inline mode, or a way to use a rich-text editor for inline edits.

I've come across the neat-looking http://inplacericheditor.box.re/demos, but ideally, it'd be good to find one that's jQuery based, simply so that I can keep to a single JS library.


Have you tried CKEditor or FCKEditor?

I have experience working with jwysiwyg and is pretty good jquery based one. Try it.

Ah, here's exactly what i was looking for: a combination of the jQuery jEditable Plugin and TinyMCE. Am posting it here in case it helps others.





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