
remove circle recaptcha

I am using recaptcha for the registration page in my website got from recaptcha.net. I feel difficult to read the 开发者_如何学Pythontwo word that is generating automatically. I want to remove the dark circl at the back ground of the text or else single word to type easily.


Recaptcha is constantly evolving and the image distortion algorithm changes every once in a while to keep fooling bots. They used to draw a line though the word a while back, then they used very little obfuscation, now they have circles. The whole point of a Captcha is to obfuscate text, so yes, it is hard to read sometimes.

Here's a list of things you can customize. Using another obfuscation algorithm is not among the options. So there's not much you can do about it besides using a different Captcha.

I feel for you, there has been severe inflation in the level of distortion of the images in some popular Captcha solutions the last 1-2 years. If it has to be human-unreadable to be bot-unreadable you have to ask yourself if it was a good solution to start with.

reCaptcha certainly is often not very user-friendly.

Look for a better solution such as identify-the-symbol or the question/answer ones. The latter works great for special-interest sites as you can provide some questions new users should know the answer to!





验证码 换一张
取 消

