
Jquery $.ajax callback not being called in ASP.NET MVC View Page

I have a simple ajax call:

$.ajax({url: my_url_here,
       dataType: 'text',
       success: function(data, textStatus) {
            if(textStatus == "success") {
            else {
       error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    //do stuff

If I run this in a simple HTML file, I get the alert as expected. However if I run this in one of my ASP.NET MVC views, the ajax runs fine, but the callback function is never reached. I have tried creating a blank View page with nothing in it except jQuery and this script, to rule out any conflicts with my other Javascript.

I can see the request in Firebug, and it is returning a 200 response as expected, but it just doesn't reach the callback.

I have tried adding cache: false paramater, played around with asynch paramater, nothing seems to do the trick...

Any clues?

EDIT: Updated my jQuery with the error callback as suggested.

Error callback is reached in the View page, (not in the simple html test page however), and I get the following:

XMLHttpRequest.status is "0"

textStatus is "error"

errorThrown is "undefined"

EDIT 2 I should note that the URL I am requesting does not actually return anything, I am just trying to see if it exists- if I view the URL in my broswer it presents a simple text string. Am I using the wrong approach to this?

Why would it work fine in a simple HTML doc, but not within the ASP.NET MVC View? Does ASP do something to the ajax requests?


So it turns out I was trying to access an external site, which is not allowed.

Seems odd that I was doing that fine from the simple test HTML file, and only ran into pr开发者_JAVA百科oblems when I was using the View page...

Implement the error handler as well, just to be sure ..

error: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {...}

Update after your results

I believe the problem is that your links make a postback of the .net form..

try stopping the propagation of the event in your click handler (where you initiate the ajax call) something like

$('yourselector').click( function(e){
    // now do your ajax call here ...

I get this quite alot and the error is pretty unhelpfull.

I would guess it has to be a problem with the url you are requesting.





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