
jquery find div or select by name returning 0 results

I'm trying to select a <div> inside of a <p> by name, but it's returning 0 results.开发者_如何学编程 The same type of selection works fine for <input> and <span>, but not for <select> and <div>. The code below demonstrates what I mean:

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.1.min.js"></script>
    <p id="foo">
        <input type="text" name="tl-label" />
        <select name="tl_type">
            <option value="select_type">Select type</option>
            <option value="field">Field</option>
            <option value="text">Text label</option>
            <option value="flag_set">Flag set</option>
        <span name="manip-links">
            <a name="move_up" href="#">[move up]</a>
            <a name="move_down" href="#">[move down]</a>
            <a name="delete" href="#">[delete]</a>
        <div name="field-params">
            field params
        <div name="text-params">
            text params
        <div name="flag-set-params">
            flag set params
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
    var foo = $('#foo');
    foo.tl_label = foo.find('input[name=tl-label]');
    foo.tl_type = foo.find('select[name=tl-type]');
    foo.manip_links = foo.find('span[name=manip-links]');
    foo.field_params = foo.find('div[name=field-params]');
    foo.text_params = foo.find('div[name=text-params]');
    foo.flag_set_params = foo.find('div[name=flag-set-params]');

    $('body').append('<p>' +
        'tl_label: ' + foo.tl_label.size() + '<br/>' +
        'tl_type: ' + foo.tl_type.size() + '<br/>' +
        'manip_links: ' + foo.manip_links.size() + '<br/>' +
        'field_params: ' + foo.field_params.size() + '<br/>' +
        'text_params: ' + foo.text_params.size() + '<br/>' +
        'flag_set_params: ' + foo.flag_set_params.size() + '<br/>' +

The traces appended at the bottom read (in Firefox 3.5.6):

tl_label: 1

tl_type: 0

manip_links: 1

field_params: 0

text_params: 0

flag_set_params: 0

They should all read 1. What am I missing?

You've got a dash instead of an underscore in your code inside the names. (Or an underscore instead of a dash in the "select" element name; one or the other :-)

Also, div elements can't have a name attribute, I don't think. Use "id" and select with "#whatever".





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