XSLT shorter version of OR conditional statement
I was wondering if someone remembers how to write a shorter OR statements in XSLT. I'm sure there was a way but I can't remember.
So instead of
test="$var = 'text1' or $var = 'text2'"
I'd like to use a shorter version like test="$var =['text1','text2']" However, I can't remember or find the right sh开发者_如何学编程orthand syntax for such cases.
Would really appreciate if someone could help with that!
Many thanks
With XSLT 2.0 (but not with XSLT 1.0) you can do
<xsl:if test="$var = ('text1','text2')">
Maybe that is the syntax you are looking for.
For string values as you appear to be using you can use a concat trick:-
test="contains('__text1____text2__', concat('__', $var, '__'))"
Not shorter for just two items but given 5 or more it starts to look better.
Having said that you probably can multi-line when using or's so it may be better just to use a series of or's:-
test = "
$var = 'text1'
or $var = 'text2'
or $var = 'text3'
or $var = 'text3'"
More text but clearer solution.
If you find that you do many comparisons against a fixed set of values, you can also do this:
<xsl:output method="text" />
<!-- prepare a fixed list of possible values; note the namespace -->
<config xmlns="http://tempuri.org/config">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- document('') lets you access the stylesheet itself -->
<xsl:variable name="cfg" select="document('')/*/cfg:config/cfg:val" />
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:variable name="var" select="'text2'" />
<!-- check against all possible values in one step -->
<xsl:if test="$cfg[.=$var]">
The above would print
The [] operator only works on a nodeset. Maybe you're thinking of when you say something like [a|b] to select nodes from your nodeset that have a child element a or a child element b. But for string comparison I don't know of any way other than using "or".
There is no 'contains' function for sequences, but you could use index-of or intersect:
fn:exists(('test1', 'test2') intersect $var))
fn:exists(fn:index-of(('test1', 'test2'), $var))
With only two strings, your original solution is shorter though.