
DTMF monitoring via multimon, awk and espeak

  • How to listen to the spoken DTMD digit every time the sound card capture one?

The objective is radio controlling my pc and interfaces activities dialing dtmf tones via a hand-held transceiver.

I used multimon to hear DTMF tones I tried to use awk to filter digits and proceed accordingly. For example, if I key "0" from the radio the system must reboot, etc, but first confirming the operation. " The computer will reboot, send # to confirm"...

I tried to use espeak for a voice confirmation to the remote radio. The radio connected to the pc soundcard receives the commands and transmits the responses.

I do not simply know how to nest multimon within awk within espeak.

Multimon itself doesnt let me do anything with its stdout because its running ( do not terminate after hearing a digit, which is indeed right).

It would be extremely helpful if I knew how to just speak each digit, without exiting the natural multimon loop.


Say, multimon -a DTMF | awk'{print}' espeak -stdin If this simply worked!

Is it possible to do? Any help wellcome.

3 years passed and still no advance in linux DTMF decoding.

Once I didnt see any DTMF Radio Controlling project in Linux, I plan to publish this shall I can solve this issue.

Thanks / Mario/ sao paulo brazil

I believe that my answer is out of date and perhaps you have found how to solve this.

I faced the same issue and figured out that the problem is in multimon. When you pipe the stdout from multimon to another program, multimon does not flush the verbose output properly.

Try to patch and recompile multimon, adding a "fflush(stdout);", like this:

(unixinput.c , around line 71 )

    void verbprintf(int verb_level, const char *fmt, ...)
            va_list args;

            va_start(args, fmt);
            if (verb_level <= verbose_level) {
                    vfprintf(stdout, fmt, args);

                    fflush(stdout); //ADD THIS LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Best regards,


You can use the system() function to launch espeak from your awk script.

@OP, i am not clear about your question, but seeing that system() interests you, here's how you call external command in awk

multimon -a DTMF | awk '{
  cmd="espeak "$0 #$0 comes from the multimon output




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