
F# Code for Adventure Works Sample

it is very hard to find good samples for f# in the web. some samples show a simple web crawler for downloading stock data from yahoo or only code snippets of bigger ideas.

i'm searching for an real world example outside t开发者_如何学Pythonhe financial world. what about adventureworks? the current sample database is the base of many c# samples out there. why is there now f# sample?

i don't want a sample where f# makes a gui for a table of it! isn't there any f# ideal processing? i like a sample where i can see the power of f#. a sample which show's me why i should learn the language instead of simply using (more code) c#.

  • is there any sample for adventure works online?
  • are there any real world processes based on the sample database (functional programming)

best regards - michl

IntelliFactory have some nice samples for how you might build a web UI using F#, the examples are based on their WebSharper product. It's not free but if your serious about building a LOB app in F# then it's definitely worth looking at, as in my humble opinion, it's really good: http://www.intellifactory.com/products/wsp/Tutorial.aspx#

For the data side I'm told Entity Framework V2 works reasonable well for F#, and there's always my FunctionalNHibernate project which is in it's infancy but really quite cute: http://bitbucket.org/robertpi/functionalnhibernate/

Have you seen this?


I'm sorry but I know no AdventureWorks sample in F#, but this might interest you anyways: wcfstorm. It is a tool to test WCF services, written in F#.





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