
Limit number of dynamically added Table Rows using JQuery

I am dynamically inserting a row into a table with JQuery using clone.

$('#Clone').cl开发者_开发知识库ick(function() {

    //put jquery this context into a var
    var $btn = $(this).parent();

    //use .closest() to navigate from the buttno to the closest row and clone it
    //use clone(true) to pass events to cloned item

    var $clonedRow = $btn.closest('tr').clone(true).insertAfter($btn);  


The end user will control the insertion of new rows. I need to limit the number of new rows to 5. Is there a way to do this with a cookie or some other method (array). I could have multiple tables with there own unique id so it needs to work with multiple tables on the page.

Hope you can help.

How about a variable?

function addClick(identifier, max){
  var i = 0;
  $(identifier).click(function() {
    if (i < max){
       //add row
addClick("#Clone", 5);

Alternatively, you could also set a different class on the user-added ones and then just count them inside your add function.

You could always simply use a variable for each table to track the number of added rows.

Or another alternative would be to use jQuery's data() method which allows you to store data in a dom element directly. The click event would find its table, and update the table's data() each time a row is added, and prevent further additions when it reaches the maximum.

EDIT: Corrected code with check to see if theCount is undefined, and to remove a mis-placed parentheses.

$('#Clone').click(function() {
    var $btn = $(this).parent();
    if($btn.closest('table').data('theCount') == undefined) {
        $btn.closest('table').data('theCount', 0)
    var currentCount = $btn.closest('table').data('theCount');

    if(currentCount < 5) {
        $btn.closest('table').data('theCount', currentCount + 1);


You could just count the number of elements returned.

function countRows() {
  return $("#table-id tr").length + $("#table2-id tr").length; // etc, for all table ID's.

Or, you could add a special class to the user-added rows.

function countRows() {
  return $("tr.new").length;

You could also use the data attribute on the table

   var i = $('#tableID').data('userAddedRows');//of course you need to check there is a value and such

Then just check to make sure the i is less than the amount allowed

Thanks for your assistance but I found a JQuery Plugin that does the trick. It is here...






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