
Bookmarking with eclipse

I really miss the bookmarking feature of Visual Studio + Resharper. For example, I press Ctrl + K, Ctrl + K to toggle a bookmark, and then Ctrl + K, Ctrl + N to go to the next bookmark, Ctrl + K, Ctrl + P to go to the previous bookmark. I can开发者_如何学JAVA even go to the next/previous bookmark in current file with some other key combination.

Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to setup it in Eclipse. Eclipse come with a menu name Add Bookmark which looks pretty weird (lame?) to me. Is there any way to do bookmarking like what I described with eclipse?

In standard eclipse, this does not exist. The only thing you can do is add a bookmark, and check out all the bookmarks in the bookmark view. For both actions, you can define shortcuts (press Ctrl + Shift + L twice and filter on 'bookmark').

However, you could search for a plugin which does what you want (for example: http://www.etc.to/eclipse_bookmarks_plugin)

Install Quick Bookmarks plugin (free, fast & easy to install) from Eclipse marketplace. Then:

Add bookmark:              Alt + number 
Go to bookmark:            Ali + Shift + number
Switch between bookmarks:  Ctrl + N




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