
How to Cast Objects in PHP

Ive some classes that share some attributes, and i would like to do something like:

$dog = (Dog) $cat;

is it possible or is there any generic work around?

Its not a superclass, or a interface or related in any way. They are just 2 different classes i would like php map the attributes from a cat class to a dog and give me the new object. –

i guess i have to specify a little bit more cause seem like a senseless thing to do.

i've classes that inherits from different parent classes cause i've made an inheritance tree based on the saving method, maybe my bad from the beginning, but the problem is that i have a lot of classes that are practically equal but interacts one with mysql and the other one with xml files. so i have:

class MySql_SomeEntity extends SomeMysqlInteract{}


Xml_SomeEntity extends SomeXmlInteract{}

its a little bit deeper tree but the problem its that. i cant make them inherits from the same class cause multiple inheritance is not allowed, and i cant separate current interaction with superclases cause would be a big trouble.

Basically the attributes in each one are practical the same.

since i have a lot of 开发者_Python百科this matching classes i would like to do some generic casting or something like it that can converts (pass the values to each attribute) and but im trying to search the simplest way to everyone of this classes.

You can use above function for casting not similar class objects (PHP >= 5.3)

 * Class casting
 * @param string|object $destination
 * @param object $sourceObject
 * @return object
function cast($destination, $sourceObject)
    if (is_string($destination)) {
        $destination = new $destination();
    $sourceReflection = new ReflectionObject($sourceObject);
    $destinationReflection = new ReflectionObject($destination);
    $sourceProperties = $sourceReflection->getProperties();
    foreach ($sourceProperties as $sourceProperty) {
        $name = $sourceProperty->getName();
        $value = $sourceProperty->getValue($sourceObject);
        if ($destinationReflection->hasProperty($name)) {
            $propDest = $destinationReflection->getProperty($name);
        } else {
            $destination->$name = $value;
    return $destination;


class A 
  private $_x;   

class B 
  public $_x;   

$a = new A();
$b = new B();

$x = cast('A',$b);
$x = cast('B',$a);

There is no built-in method for type casting of user defined objects in PHP. That said, here are several possible solutions:

1) Use a function like the one below to deserialize the object, alter the string so that the properties you need are included in the new object once it's deserialized.

function cast($obj, $to_class) {
  if(class_exists($to_class)) {
    $obj_in = serialize($obj);
    $obj_out = 'O:' . strlen($to_class) . ':"' . $to_class . '":' . substr($obj_in, $obj_in[2] + 7);
    return unserialize($obj_out);
    return false;

2) Alternatively, you could copy the object's properties using reflection / manually iterating through them all or using get_object_vars().

This article should enlighten you on the "dark corners of PHP" and implementing typecasting on the user level.

Without using inheritance (as mentioned by author), it seems like you are looking for a solution that can transform one class to another with preassumption of the developer knows and understand the similarity of 2 classes.

There's no existing solution for transforming between objects. What you can try out are:

  • get_object_vars() : convert object to array
  • Cast to Object: convert array to object

You do not need casting. Everything is dynamic.

I have a class Discount.
I have several classes that extends this class:

Somewhere in the code I have:

$pd = new ProductDiscount();
$pd->setDiscount(5, ProductDiscount::PRODUCT_DISCOUNT_PERCENT);

$this->discounts[] = $pd;


$sd = new StoreDiscount();
$sd->setDiscount(5, StoreDiscount::STORE_DISCOUNT_PERCENT);

$this->discounts[] = $sd;

And somewhere I have:

foreach ($this->discounts as $discount){

    if ($discount->getDiscountType()==Discount::DISCOUNT_TYPE_PRODUCT){

        $productDiscount = $discount; // you do not need casting.
        $amount = $productDiscount->getDiscountAmount($this->getItemTotalPrice());

}// foreach

Where getDiscountAmount is ProductDiscount specific function, and getDiscountType is Discount specific function.

a better aproach:

class Animal
    private $_name = null;

    public function __construct($name = null)
        $this->_name = $name;

     * casts object
     * @param Animal $to
     * @return Animal
    public function cast($to)
        if ($to instanceof Animal) {
            $to->_name = $this->_name;
        } else {
            throw(new Exception('cant cast ' . get_class($this) . ' to ' . get_class($to)));
        return $to;

    public function getName()
        return $this->_name;

class Cat extends Animal
    private $_preferedKindOfFish = null;

    public function __construct($name = null, $preferedKindOfFish = null)
        $this->_preferedKindOfFish = $preferedKindOfFish;

     * casts object
     * @param Animal $to
     * @return Animal
    public function cast($to)
        if ($to instanceof Cat) {
            $to->_preferedKindOfFish = $this->_preferedKindOfFish;
        return $to;

    public function getPreferedKindOfFish()
        return $this->_preferedKindOfFish;

class Dog extends Animal
    private $_preferedKindOfCat = null;

    public function __construct($name = null, $preferedKindOfCat = null)
        $this->_preferedKindOfCat = $preferedKindOfCat;

     * casts object
     * @param Animal $to
     * @return Animal
    public function cast($to)
        if ($to instanceof Dog) {
            $to->_preferedKindOfCat = $this->_preferedKindOfCat;
        return $to;

    public function getPreferedKindOfCat()
        return $this->_preferedKindOfCat;

$dogs = array(
    new Dog('snoopy', 'vegetarian'),
    new Dog('coyote', 'any'),

foreach ($dogs as $dog) {
    $cat = $dog->cast(new Cat());
    echo get_class($cat) . ' - ' . $cat->getName() . "\n";

It sounds like what you really want to do is implement an interface.

Your interface will specify the methods that the object can handle and when you pass an object that implements the interface to a method that wants an object that supports the interface, you just type the argument with the name of the interface.

You may think about factories

class XyFactory {
    public function createXyObject ($other) {
        $new = new XyObject($other->someValue);
        // Do other things, that let $new look like $other (except the used class)
        return $new;

Otherwise user250120s solution is the only one, which comes close to class casting.

class It {
    public $a = '';

    public function __construct($a) {
        $this->a = $a;
    public function printIt() {

//contains static function to 'convert' instance of parent It to sub-class instance of Thing

class Thing extends it {
    public $b = '';

    public function __construct($a, $b) {
        $this->a = $a;
        $this->b = $b;
    public function printThing() {
        echo $this->a . $this->b;
        //static function housed by target class since trying to create an instance of Thing
    static function thingFromIt(It $it, $b) {
        return new Thing($it->a, $b);

//create an instance of It
$it = new It('1');

//create an instance of Thing 
$thing = Thing::thingFromIt($it, '2');

echo 'Class for $it: ' . get_class($it);
echo 'Class for $thing: ' . get_class($thing);


Class for $it: It
Class for $thing: Thing

I think that the best approach is to just create a new instance of a class and than assign the object. Here's what I would do:

public function ($someVO) {

     $someCastVO = new SomeVO();
     $someCastVO = $someVO;
     $someCastVO->SomePropertyInVO = "123";


Doing this will give you code hinting in most IDEs and help ensure you are using the correct properties.

If the object you are trying to cast from or to has properties that are also user-defined classes, and you don't want to go through reflection, you can use this.

namespace Your\Namespace\Here
  use Zend\Logger; // or your logging mechanism of choice
  final class OopFunctions
     * @param object $from
     * @param object $to
     * @param Logger $logger
     * @return object
     static function Cast($from, $to, $logger)
      $fromSerialized = serialize($from);
      $fromName = get_class($from);
      $toName = get_class($to);
      $toSerialized = str_replace($fromName, $toName, $fromSerialized);
      $toSerialized = preg_replace("/O:\d*:\"([^\"]*)/", "O:" . strlen($toName) . ":\"$1", $toSerialized);
      $toSerialized = preg_replace_callback(
        function ($matches)
          $arr = explode(":", $matches[0]);
          $arr[1] = mb_strlen($arr[2]) - 2;
          return implode(":", $arr);
      $to = unserialize($toSerialized);
      return $to;

You can opt for this example below. Hope it will help.

/** @var ClassName $object */

$object->whateverMethod() // any method defined in the class can be accessed by $object

I know this is not a cast but it can be useful sometimes.

PHP provides a very simple way of doing this by using:

(object) ['id'=>1,'name'=>'cat']


In your case you try this:

$dog = json_encode($dog);

$cat = (object) json_decode($dog)

More optimize method is:

$dog = (array)$dog;
$dog['newfield'] = 'xyz';
$dog = (object)$dog;




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