
Is my ftp issue a coding error or credentials error?

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 and I am trying, for the first time, to ftp a file t开发者_StackOverflow中文版hrough the app. There are several examples on the net. This one made the most sense to me. Being unsure of the actual local it will be going, right now, I decided to FTP it right back to my local host, figuring I have the credential so it would be a good test. However, it is failing with the following error: "Unable to connect to the remote server".

public void FTPFile()
            string CompleteFTPPath = "ftp://localhost//WebSite1/test.txt";
            string CompleteLocalPath = "C:\\test_file.txt";

        //Create a FTP Request Object and Specfiy a Complete Path 
        FtpWebRequest reqObj = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(CompleteFTPPath);

        reqObj.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile;

        reqObj.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("<my user name>", "<my pw>");

        FileStream streamObj = File.OpenRead(CompleteLocalPath);

        byte[] buffer = new byte[streamObj.Length];

        streamObj.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

        streamObj = null;

        reqObj.GetRequestStream().Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

        reqObj = null;

Make sure the ftp server is listening on the localhost ( and not just on it's network ip address.

Lets start with the basics.
Have you started a FTP server on your localhost?
Can you use a standard FTP client (either ftp in commandline or a downloaded ftp client like filezilla).

unable to connect to remote server typically means exactly that; no server responded or you couldn't reach the server.

Do you have a local ftp server running? What happens when you point your web browser to ftp://localhost/" ?

To answer your question: No, probably not. :-)





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