
Prevent Users Creating Table

I'm trying to secure an MS Access 2003 mdb using the workgroup security. I've got most of it set up (using a new MDW etc), but I can't stop people creating new tables in the database, if they've got access to open it. Am I missing something?

None of the accounts have any permissions allowed, I'm doing it all through groups. Users only have Open\Run access to the database, no access to <New Tables/Queries> and only "Read Data" access on all the other tables, including the MSys* tables.

Any thoughts or am I trying to do the impossible?


I've tried using the wizard as suggested, but that still leaves me with the same problem. I created a blank database & ran the wizard on it. Assigned 2 users, Me & User, and removed all access to the standard groups. I added Me into the Admin group & User to the Read Only group.

Not using the MDW denies access, as expected. Logging in as Me allows full access (Design things, add data, delete data, etc), logging in as User will allow read data inexisting tables, but not add data or design them (as expected), but it will still allow creation of a new table, which User will then have full access to add, delete etc.

So, over a year after posting this question, I have another go at solving it, but his time with success!

I came across the Microsoft Accesss Permissions Explorer and this showed that the standard ways of securing the database, both manually and using the wizard still give the Users group explicit Create permsissions on the Tabes Container. This same software also allows the revoking of said permissions, so now I can have a fully secured database, where any user can access the mdb without using a special MDB, but they are only able to access and edit the data I want them to.

Can your users use the runtime version of msAccess? They will not have the ability to create any new Access object, such as table, query, form, etc.

And runtime version is free, so you'll also spare on licences!





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