
JQuery Validation Plugin: Use Custom Ajax Method

Looking for some assistance with the Jquery form validation plugin if possible.

I am validating the email field of my form on blur by making an ajax call to my database, which checks if the text in the email field is currently in the database.

    // Check email validity on Blur
       // Grab Email From Form
       var itemValue = $('#sEmail').val();
        // Serialise data for ajax processing
        var emailData = {
            sEmail: itemValue
        // Do Ajax Call
         $.getJSON('http://localhost:8501/ems/trunk/www/cfcs/admin_user_service.cfc?method=getAdminUserEmail&returnFormat=json&queryformat=column', emailData, function(data){

                    if (data != false) {
                        var errorMessage = 'This email address has already been  registered';
                    else {
                        var errorMessage = 'Good'

What I would like to do, is encorporate this call into the rules of my JQuery Validation Plugin...e.g

             sEmail: {
                  required: function(){
                  // Replicate my on blur ajax email call here
                sEmail: {
                    required: "this email already exists"       


Wondering if there is anyway of achieving this? Many thanks

You are doing an AJAX request, ergo: the validation is already finished working when your custom validator returns either true or false.

You will need to work with async. See also this post: How can I get jQuery to perform a synchronous, rather than asynchronous, Ajax request?

Lets say we have a custom validation to check the Unique Mobile, So we will add a new method as follows to check the unqiue Mobile no :

jQuery.validator.addMethod("uniqueMobile", function(value, element) {
    var response;
        type: "POST",
            response = data;
    if(response == 0)
        return true;
    else if(response == 1)
        return false;
    else if(response == 'logout')
        return false;
}, "Mobile is Already Taken");

You can add a custom validation method like this

                     function(value) {
        $.get('http://localhost:8501/ems/trunk/www/cfcs/admin_user_service.cfc','?method=getAdminUserEmail&returnFormat=json&queryformat=column&emailData='+ value,
                            function(return_data) {
                                return return_data;
                         , "this email already exists"

then add the unique class to your email field or you can use something like this

$.validator.addClassRules("unique-email", {
                unique: true

Try this:

            function(value) {
         var result = $.ajax({ 
                             data:'email='+ value, 
                             dataType:"text" }); 

         if(result .responseText) return true; else return false;

             } , "This email address has already been  registered");

For serverside AJAX validation use remote rule. This is same as standard jQuery AJAX request object. Your server must returns string "true" for valid value or "false" for invalid, also it can passes some string "This email was already taken", and this will be perceived as invalid, and render as an error message:

$( "#myform" ).validate({
  rules: {
    email: {
      required: true,
      email: true,
      remote: {
        url: "check-email.php",
        type: "post",
        data: {
          username: function() {
            return $( "#username" ).val();

Read documentation here remote-method





验证码 换一张
取 消

