Making change recursively: How do I modify my algorithm to print all combinations?
I have an algorithm that recursively makes change in the following manner:
public static int makeChange(int amount, int currentCoin) {
//if amount = zero, we are at the bottom of a successful recursion
开发者_如何学C if (amount == 0){
//return 1 to add this successful solution
return 1;
//check to see if we went too far
}else if(amount < 0){
//don't count this try if we went too far
return 0;
//if we have exhausted our list of coin values
}else if(currentCoin < 0){
return 0;
int firstWay = makeChange(amount, currentCoin-1);
int secondWay = makeChange(amount - availableCoins[currentCoin], currentCoin);
return firstWay + secondWay;
However, I'd like to add the capability to store or print each combination as they successfully return. I'm having a bit of a hard time wrapping my head around how to do this. The original algorithm was pretty easy, but now I am frustrated. Any suggestions?
Without getting into the specifics of your code, one pattern is to carry a mutable container for your results in the arguments
public static int makeChange(int amount, int currentCoin, List<Integer>results) {
// ....
if (valid_result) {
// ....
And call the function like this
List<Integer> results = new LinkedList<Integer>();
makeChange(amount, currentCoin, results);
// after makeChange has executed your results are saved in the variable "results"
I don't understand logic or purpose of above code but this is how you can have each combination stored and then printed.
public class MakeChange {
private static int[] availableCoins = {
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100 };
public static void main(String[] args) {
Collection<CombinationResult> results = makeChange(5, 7);
for (CombinationResult r : results) {
"firstWay=" + r.getFirstWay() + " : secondWay="
+ r.getSecondWay() + " --- Sum=" + r.getSum());
public static class CombinationResult {
int firstWay;
int secondWay;
CombinationResult(int firstWay, int secondWay) {
this.firstWay = firstWay;
this.secondWay = secondWay;
public int getFirstWay() {
return this.firstWay;
public int getSecondWay() {
return this.secondWay;
public int getSum() {
return this.firstWay + this.secondWay;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
boolean flag = false;
if (o instanceof CombinationResult) {
CombinationResult r = (CombinationResult) o;
flag = this.firstWay == r.firstWay
&& this.secondWay == r.secondWay;
return flag;
public int hashCode() {
return this.firstWay + this.secondWay;
public static Collection<CombinationResult> makeChange(
int amount, int currentCoin) {
Collection<CombinationResult> results =
new ArrayList<CombinationResult>();
makeChange(amount, currentCoin, results);
return results;
public static int makeChange(int amount, int currentCoin,
Collection<CombinationResult> results) {
// if amount = zero, we are at the bottom of a successful recursion
if (amount == 0) {
// return 1 to add this successful solution
return 1;
// check to see if we went too far
} else if (amount < 0) {
// don't count this try if we went too far
return 0;
// if we have exhausted our list of coin values
} else if (currentCoin < 0) {
return 0;
} else {
int firstWay = makeChange(
amount, currentCoin - 1, results);
int secondWay = makeChange(
amount - availableCoins[currentCoin],
currentCoin, results);
CombinationResult resultEntry = new CombinationResult(
firstWay, secondWay);
return firstWay + secondWay;
I used the following:
* This is a recursive method that calculates and displays the combinations of the coins included in
* coinAmounts that sum to amountToBeChanged.
* @param coinsUsed is a list of each coin used so far in the total. If this branch is successful, we will add another coin on it.
* @param largestCoinUsed is used in the recursion to indicate at which coin we should start trying to add additional ones.
* @param amountSoFar is used in the recursion to indicate what sum we are currently at.
* @param amountToChange is the original amount that we are making change for.
* @return the number of successful attempts that this branch has calculated.
*/private static int change(List<Integer> coinsUsed, Integer currentCoin, Integer amountSoFar, Integer amountToChange)
//if last added coin took us to the correct sum, we have a winner!
if (amountSoFar == amountToChange)
System.out.print("Change for "+amountToChange+" = ");
//run through the list of coins that we have and display each.
for(Integer count: coinsUsed){
System.out.print(count + " ");
//pass this back to be tallied
return 1;
* Check to see if we overshot the amountToBeChanged
if (amountSoFar > amountToChange)
//this branch was unsuccessful
return 0;
//this holds the sum of the branches that we send below it
int successes=0;
// Pass through each coin to be used
for (Integer coin:coinAmounts)
//we only want to work on currentCoin and the coins after it
if (coin >= currentCoin)
//copy the list so we can branch from it
List<Integer> copyOfCoinsUsed = new ArrayList<Integer>(coinsUsed);
//add on one of our current coins
//branch and then collect successful attempts
successes += change(copyOfCoinsUsed, coin, amountSoFar + coin, amountToChange);
//pass back the current
return successes;