
Convert currencies with the exchange rate of a past date

Is there a free/cheap service, accessible through a web service or simple HTTP/XML queries, that can convert from a currency to another, but with the exchange rate of a specific date in the past? Say I need to know how much 10 USD was in EUR on date March, 13, 2009. So far I开发者_StackOverflow社区've only found oanda.com offering this service to developers, but they cost 200$/mo, and my budget is lower.

ECB is cool! But it works if I need to convert from EUR to something. If I need to convert from GBP to something elase I'll have to find another time series :( Isn't there a service or time series provider to convert from any currency to any other currency, for a certain date? Like OANDA actually, just cheaper :)

replying to myself, I found this: http://www.ecb.int/stats/exchange/eurofxref/html/index.en.html

You can download a single CSV file with all daily exchange rates from euro to anything...since 1999! Very cool.

I wanted to try out Google AppEngine anyway, so I made an app for this, using the ECB rates from 1999 onwards:


gives you the value of 1 USD in ZAR on 2009-11-15. See this page for the full docs.


I just threw in the Fed's rates, going back to 1971...

I'm not sure but try with Yahoo Finance web service for developers


The USA government gives away some of this kind of data.


www.xe.com go to historical rates





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