How to make PHP code work without direct calls (on some kind of timer)?
So... for example I want to add to 1 five every 5 minuts (1 is in the DB)... With out direct calls from users....
So... How to make PHP code work without direct calls (on some kind of ti开发者_高级运维mer)?
If you are unable to schedule cron jobs on your server (as is the case with most cheap hosting solutions), there are some pure php alternatives to run scheduled jobs: phpjobscheduler is one of those alternatives.
build a script which does what you need to do. and call it via crontab in the needed interval but make sure its not callable from a user or searchengine.
see for more information on cron
a typical call could look like:
*/5 * * * * lynx -source >/dev/null
Yes configuring a cron job is the correct answer. See the Wikipedia article for the syntax of a cron job.
You simply create a new cron job and let it request the page where the script is. The following cron job requests update.php every five minutes.
*/5 * * * * wget
Syntax with wget.
If I understood you correctly, CRON is what you're looking for (google it)
Cron is the obvious suggestion.
If you can only invoke your code via the web (i.e. no command line PHP) then you can call a URL using 'wget' or 'curl' on most *nix boxes.
Unless of course your code sits on a microsoft OS (which is unlikely to have cron available) in which case you can use the 'at' service to do the same thing - and there's a free wget.exe out there somewhere.