
Event listeners in javascript

Does javascript have a sort of event listeners? 开发者_高级运维

My scenario:

I want to execute Inc function 2 times with different parameters, first execution of Inc and then the second execution, but the second execution must be executed after X seconds (settimeout...) after the first Inc function is completed (all it's iterations, as soon as clearInterval ).

So I need sort of event and a listener (of-course it must be asynchronous).

What can you suggest? (please no jquery...)

function Inc(val1,val2){                               
     var intervalID = setInterval(function(){
          if (val1 > val2) clearInterval(intervalID);
          val1= val1 + 10;                        
      }, 400);


I usually try to stay away from timeouts, especially if they deal with something that requires recursion.

But why do you need recursion if the function is only executed twice?

// call Inc the first time

// this will execute only after the first Inc(); is done.
// call Inc the second time after X seconds
setTimeout(Inc, 400);

Edit: Well, since I don't know why you don't want it to know about the continuation, here's another suggestion with the exact same semantics but maybe a desirable syntax, now there is a simulation of event delegation anyway :) (thing is, you need the Inc function to somehow report completion):

function Inc(val1,val2){
    var handle = { oncomplete: null };

    var intervalID = setInterval(function(){

        if (val1 > val2)
            if (handle.oncomplete) handle.oncomplete();

        val1 = val1 + 10;

    }, 400);

    return handle;

Inc(10, 40).oncomplete = function(){ alert("Finish"); };

Previous: Something like this should to the trick (I did not test it though):

function Inc(val1,val2, continuation){                               
 var intervalID = setInterval(function(){
  if (val1 > val2)
    if (continuation) continuation();

  val1 = val1 + 10;                        
 }, 400); }

Then call it like this:

Inc(x, y, function(){ Inc(y, z); });

AFAIK there is no type of standarized custom-eventing, but you are making the work-around.

Calling a "delegate" this way:

var myFunction = function() {
    // CALL Inc with different params, this is your "event"

function Inc(val1, val2) {

Short answer, not for custom events (only DOM-standard events), but you can fake it.





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