How to replace old URL in javascript pop-up with new URL
I need help of getting this piece of code to work
1) I want to automatically start a media player when a pop-up is open, by changing is URL params, that the pop-up has
2) When the user clicks on on the link I want to replace the old URL with the one the new one clicked. Try using location.replace just ends up being a constant loop.
Not having much luck with the code can anyone help????
var vidlink = $('.link').attr('href');
var autoplay = $('.link:first').attr('href');
var myurl = window.location.href,
paramsStr = autoplay,
paramsObj = {};
var newUrl = $.param.querystring(myurl, paramsStr );
if(window.location.href != newUrl){
<a href="javascript:openplayer('http://localhost/player.php?v=0&a=false');">Open Player</a>
player another show <a href='?v=53&a=false' class='link'>Ep2</a>
try windowname.document.location = newURL
(where windoname is the name of the pop-up)