
Make computes wildcard too early?

I have a make file of, more or less, the following structure that compiles C++ source code:

.PHONY: all
all: compile_obj_files my_binary

# This rule generates the object files. It works fine afaik.
.PHONY: compile_obj_files
    $(MAKE) --file=child.makefile

# my_binary is a real binary 开发者_JAVA技巧file that I wish to build.
my_binary: $(wildcard *.o)
    $(CC) $(wildcard *.o) -o my_binary

On the first run this make file generated all the object files but $(wildcard *.o) returned an empty list. On the second run it compiled nothing, as expected, and $(wildcard *.o) indeed returned all the object files. It looks like $(wildcard *.o) is executed before all the object files are created, despite the fact that my_binary rule runs always after compile_obj_files. I sit looking helpless on this script without any idea what is wrong here (must be something silly). Can you think of anything?

You should really not use $(wildcard ...) inside rules, but rather do something like

MYSRC:=$(wildcard *.c)
MYOBJ:=$(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(MYSRC))

%.o: %.c
        $(CC) -c $< -o $@

my_binary: $(MYOBJ)
        $(CC) $^ -o $@

This way you know that MYSRC and MYOBJ match. Also note the use of $< to denote the dependency of the current target and $@ to denote the target filename of the current target.

EDIT: Changed $< to $^ in the link step to include all object files, not just the last one.

EDIT: If you don't want to extract the source filenames from child.makefile, you should be able to do something like this:

.PHONY: all
    $(MAKE) --file=child.makefile
    $(MAKE) my_binary OBJS="$(wildcard *.o)"

my_binary: $(OBJS)
    $(CC) $< -o my_binary

The important part is that the value of OBJS is consistent when building my_binary. This way, you clearly split the build into two steps, and the list of object files is read before executing the second make.





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