
PHP, get file name without file extension

I have this PHP code:

function ShowFileExtension($filepath)
    preg_match('/[^?]*/', $filepath, $matches);
    $string = $matches[0];

    $pattern = preg_split('/\./', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE);

    if(count($pattern) > 1)
        $filenamepart = $pattern[count($pattern)-1][0];
    开发者_开发百科    preg_match('/[^?]*/', $filenamepart, $matches);
        return strtolower($matches[0]);

If I have a file named my.zip, this function returns .zip.

I want to do the reverse, I want the function to return my without the extension.

The file is just a string in a variable.

No need for all that. Check out pathinfo(), it gives you all the components of your path.

Example from the manual:

$path_parts = pathinfo('/www/htdocs/index.html');

echo $path_parts['dirname'], "\n";
echo $path_parts['basename'], "\n";
echo $path_parts['extension'], "\n";
echo $path_parts['filename'], "\n"; // filename is only since PHP 5.2.0

Output of the code:


And alternatively you can get only certain parts like:

echo pathinfo('/www/htdocs/index.html', PATHINFO_EXTENSION); // outputs html

As an alternative to pathinfo(), you can use

  • basename() — Returns filename component of path

Example from PHP manual

$path = "/home/httpd/html/index.php";
$file = basename($path);         // $file is set to "index.php"
$file = basename($path, ".php"); // $file is set to "index"

You have to know the extension to remove it in advance though.

However, since your question suggests you have the need for getting the extension and the basename, I'd vote Pekka's answer as the most useful one, because it will give you any info you'd want about the path and file with one single native function.


pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_FILENAME);

Simple functional test: https://ideone.com/POhIDC

Another approach is by using regular expressions.

$fileName = basename($filePath);
$fileNameNoExtension = preg_replace("/\.[^.]+$/", "", $fileName);

This removes from the last period . up until the end of the string.

If the extension is not known, use this solution

 pathinfo('D:/dir1/dir2/fname', PATHINFO_FILENAME); // return "fname"
 pathinfo('D:/dir1/dir2/fname.php', PATHINFO_FILENAME); // return "fname"
 pathinfo('D:/dir1/dir2/fname.jpg', PATHINFO_FILENAME); // return "fname"

 pathinfo('D:/dir1/dir2/fname.jpg', PATHINFO_DIRNAME) . '/' . pathinfo('D:/dir1/dir2/fname.jpg', PATHINFO_FILENAME); // return "D:/dir1/dir2/fname"

PHP MAN function pathinfo

There is no need to write lots of code. Even it can be done just by one line of code. See here

Below is the one line code that returns the filename only and removes extension name:

 echo pathinfo('logo.png')['filename'];

It will print


Source: Remove extension and return only file name in PHP

Almost all the above solution have the shown getting filename from variable $path

Below snippet will get the current executed file name without extension

echo pathinfo(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), PATHINFO_FILENAME);


$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] contains the path of the current script.

@Gordon basename will work fine if you know the extension, if you dont you can use explode:

$filename = end(explode(".", $file));

@fire incase the filename uses dots, you could get the wrong output. I would use @Gordon method but get the extension too, so the basename function works with all extensions, like this:

$path = "/home/httpd/html/index.php";
$ext = pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

$file = basename($path, ".".$ext); // $file is set to "index"

in my case, i use below. I don't care what is its extention. :D i think it will help you

$exploded_filepath = explode(".", $filepath_or_URL);
$extension = end($exploded_filepath);
echo basename($filepath_or_URL, ".".$extension ); //will print out the the name without extension.

You can write this

$filename = current(explode(".", $file));

These will return current element of array, if not used before.


echo pathinfo(__FILE__)['filename']; // since php 5.2

The existing solutions fail when there are multiple parts to an extension. The function below works for multiple parts, a full path or just a a filename:

function removeExt($path)
    $basename = basename($path);
    return strpos($basename, '.') === false ? $path : substr($path, 0, - strlen($basename) + strlen(explode('.', $basename)[0]));

echo removeExt('https://example.com/file.php');
// https://example.com/file
echo removeExt('https://example.com/file.tar.gz');
// https://example.com/file
echo removeExt('file.tar.gz');
// file
echo removeExt('file');
// file

File name without file extension when you don't know that extension:

$basename = substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, "."));

If you don't know which extension you have, then you can try this:

$ext = strtolower(substr('yourFileName.ext', strrpos('yourFileName.ext', '.') + 1));
echo basename('yourFileName.ext','.'.$ext); // output: "youFileName" only

Working with all possibilities:

image.jpg // output: "image"
filename.image.png // output: "filename.image"
index.php // output: "index"

Your answer is below the perfect solution to hide to file extension in php.

    $path = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
    echo basename($path, ".php");

This return only filename without any extension in 1 row:

$path = "/etc/sudoers.php";    
print array_shift(explode(".", basename($path)));
// will print "sudoers"

$file = "file_name.php";    
print array_shift(explode(".", basename($file)));
// will print "file_name"

File extension extract from file:

File Name = subrotobiswas.jpg
$fileExtension = pathinfo($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); //Output: jpg
$newNameOfFileWithoutExtension = basename( $_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"], $fileExtension ); //Output: subrotobiswas
$fullFileName = $newNameOfFileWithoutExtension . "." .$fileExtension; // Output: subrotobiswas.jpg




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