XUL shortcut keys
I am developing a Firefox add-on, and for that I have used overlay, now I want that if somebody presses the key like control+j it should open my extension, and if somebody presses ctrl+space it should execute a J开发者_高级运维avaScript function.
I tried this:
<keyset id="mainKeyset">
<key id="keyOpen" keycode="VK_J" oncommand="document.getElementById('menuboard').showPopup(document.getElementById('mypanel'), -1, -1, 'popup', 'topleft', 'bottomleft');"/>
<key id="keyExecute" modifiers="control" keycode="VK_SPACE" oncommand="javascript:myfucntion();"/>
But where it's not working what I am missing can anybody help me, please.
I don't know why, but using key instead of keycode works:
<keyset id="mainKeyset">
<key id="key1" modifiers="control" key="j" oncommand="alert(1)"/>
<key id="key2" modifiers="control" key=" " oncommand="alert(2)"/>
Generally it would be better if you provided a simplified testcase with simple code in oncommand and said that oncommand code doesn't appear to be called instead of just saying "it's not working".
And oncommand="javascript:...." makes no sense. Lose the "javascript:" prefix.
Yeah Nickolay,
You were right, key worked instead of keycode.
<key id="key1" modifiers="control" key="j" oncommand="alert('1')"/>
In programming sometimes we get unexpected behavior.