URL encoded route to Rails controller
I have a URL encoded resource such as:
This is for a RESTful webservice which uses user logins in the path. The problem is that the controller in rails doesn't seem to decode the %20. I get the following error:
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches "/Joe%20Bloggs/index.xml" with {:method=>:post}):
What I'm actually trying to do is achieve one of 2 options (using authlogic as my registrations handler):
Either (preferably) allow users to register user names with spaces in them, and have these get routed correctly to my controller. Authlogic by default allows spaces & @/. characters - which is just fine with me if I can make it work...
Or I can restrict authlogic to dissallow the spaces. I know I can do this with:
but I'm not entirely sure of the correct syntax to provide the new regex and return message on failure...
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
Generally it's a better idea to have a URL-safe "slug" field in your models for situations like this. For example:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
before_validation :assign_slug
def to_param
# Can't use alias_method on methods not already defined,
# ActiveRecord creates accessors after DB is connected.
def unique_slug?
return false if (self.slug.blank?)
if (new_record?)
return self.class.count(:conditions => [ 'slug=?', self.slug ]) == 0
return self.class.count(:conditions => [ 'slug=? AND id!=?', self.slug, self.id ]) == 0
def assign_slug
return if (slug.present?)
base_slug = self.name.gsub(/\s+/, '-').gsub(/[^\w\-]/, '')
self.slug = base_slug
count = 1
# Hunt for a unique slug starting with slug1 .. slugNNN
while (!unique_slug?)
self.slug = base_slug + count.to_s
count += 1
This may solve the problem of having non-URL-friendly names. Rails is particularly ornery when it comes to having dots in the output of to_param.