Format decimal to two places or a whole number
For 开发者_开发技巧10 I want 10 and not 10.00 For 10.11 I want 10.11
Is this possible without code? i.e. by specifying a format string alone simlar to {0:N2}
decimal num = 10.11M;
Console.WriteLine( num.ToString( "0.##" ) );
It seems to me that the decimal precision is intrinsic to the decimal type, which defaults to 4 decimal places. If I use the following code:
decimal value = 8.3475M;
decimal newValue = decimal.Round(value, 2);
The output is:
This can be achieved using CultureInfo. Use the below using statement to import the library.
using System.Globalization;
For the decimal conversion, ## can be used for optional decimal places and 00 can be used for mandetory decimal places. Check the below examples
double d1 = 12.12;
Console.WriteLine("Double :" + d1.ToString("#,##0.##", new CultureInfo("en-US")));
String str= "12.09";
Console.WriteLine("String :" + Convert.ToDouble(str).ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("en-US")));
String str2 = "12.10";
Console.WriteLine("String2 with ## :" + Convert.ToDouble(str2).ToString("#,##0.##", new CultureInfo("en-US")));
Console.WriteLine("String2 with 00 :" + Convert.ToDouble(str2).ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("en-US")));
int integ = 2;
Console.WriteLine("Integer :" + Convert.ToDouble(integ).ToString("#,##0.00", new CultureInfo("en-US")));
the results are as follows
Double :12.12
String :12.09
String2 with ## :12.1
String2 with 00 :12.10
Integer :2.00