
Suitable compiled language for new project [closed]

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I'm about to develop some commercial software that will run on OSX and Linux. The program will be doing some heavy string manipulation, base64 encoding, zlib compression and may require http libraries in the future.

Does anyone have a suggestion?

Many thanks in advance, Toby.

I'd suggest Ruby. Its string manipulation isn't quite up to Perl's or ELisp's standards, but reasonably close and base64, ZLib and HTTP are part of the standard library. And it runs on pretty much every platform under the sun, including Windows, OSX, Linux, Unix, JVM, CLI and Objective-C.


std::string and boost::regex for the string manipulation. zlib has both C and C++ bindings. You might like cURL for no-GUI HTTP stuff. Use a cross-platform GUI toolkit (I suggest wxWidgets or Qt) if you need windows.

Without more information, I'd say Java. It's cross platform and has all the features you require.





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