How to load AnimationDrawable from xml file
I have some custom class BitmapStorage, not attached to any View or whatever - an utility one. And I have born_animation.xml file which contains <animation-list> with animation frames:
<animation-list oneshot="true" >
<item drawable="@drawable/frame01" />
<item drawable="@drawable/frame02" />
I want to load animation from xml file as an AnimationDrawable using Resources class (so it would do all the parsing 开发者_JS百科for me), extract Bitmaps and put them to my custom storage class.
The problem i have:
Resources res = context.getResources();
AnimationDrawable drawable = (AnimationDrawable)res.getDrawable(R.drawable.born_animation);
assertTrue( drawable != null ); <= fails! it's null
WTF? Can someone explain me that? Code compiles fine. All resources are in place.
I tried another way - use ImageView to do the parsing (like described in dev guide)
ImageView view = new ImageView(context);
AnimationDrawable drawable = (AnimationDrawable)view.getBackground();
assertTrue( drawable != null ); <= fails! it's null
Results are the same. it returns the null drawable.
Any hinsts would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
<animation-list xmlns:android=""
<item android:drawable="@drawable/progress1" android:duration="150" />
<item android:drawable="@drawable/progress2" android:duration="150" />
<item android:drawable="@drawable/progress3" android:duration="150" />
ImageView progress = (ImageView)findViewById(;
if (progress != null) {
AnimationDrawable frameAnimation = (AnimationDrawable)progress.getDrawable();
frameAnimation.setVisible(true, true);
android:src="@drawable/myprogress" />
Yay, I found the cause! :)
It was my bad: I didn't had the proper format of my animation.xml file:
- I didn't use android: namespace in attributes (for some reason i decided it's not required)
- I deleted "duration" attribute in <item> tags
After I fixed these things res.getDrawable() started to return a correct AnimationDrawable instance.
Had to look more precisely at Resources.NotFoundException and it's getCause() to find out what's wrong :)
This could be used to load resources from the "xml" directory.
Drawable myDrawable;
Resources res = getResources();
try {
myDrawable = Drawable.createFromXml(res, res.getXml(R.xml.my_drawable));
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e("Error", "Exception loading drawable");