Why is my RibbonWindow not themed correctly?
Working with the ribboncontrolslibrary, when I run my application the title bar looks like W98 application,. How can I make it look pretty?
Edit: It seems that has something to do with the theme used on windows.
any help would be appreciated.
alt text http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/8188/321321.jpg
<r:RibbonWindow x:Class="Produccion_Dampers.main"
<r:Ribbon DockPanel.Dock="Top" Title="my App looks like s***t">
(from my previous comment)
You can draw a custom window frame as described in this MSDN article: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb688195(VS.85).aspx, which includes information about drawing the window caption with the system theme's font (which might provide clues about accessing other theme information).
If you are running a custom theme on your machine, WPF windows default to the "Classic" theme.
As I understand, your options are then limited because the title bar is non-client to your application -- it is rendered by the OS (why then it can't adopt the custom theme, I don't know).
- you can use p/invoke to do some nasty stuff
- you can create a borderless window and fake the title bar yourself
- you can see if the (rather old) info here does anything good for you : http://www.browsoft.com/tutorials/DefaultTheme.html
(If the last one works, it means my understanding about rendering the title bar is incorrect.)