
how to get value in array from individual query

i have a

Book ID Array

        [0] => 61
        [1] => 72
        [2] => 78
        [3] => 100
        [4] => 102

now from another table table_bookPrice where price filed is given i want that select all price from table_bookPrice where book id is in given array (book ID Array) and if price is not mentioned in table_bookPrice field then it would be automatic 500

what will be exac开发者_StackOverflowt query

so the array i got is like this

Book Price Array

        [0] => 150
        [1] => 100
        [2] => 500 ( not mentioned in table, so it is 500)
        [3] => 300
        [4] => 200

I am at work so could not test or compile it, but I hope my logic is understandable.

Not sure if this will work but something along these lines

$book_price_array = array(); //contents to be added.

// loop through the array an examine its price by querying your table.
foreach ($book_id_array as $key => $value) {
   $price = mysql_query("SELECT price FROM table_bookPrice 
                                     WHERE book_id = {$value}");
   // there is a price, set the price.
   if ($price > 0 && $price != NULL)  $book_price_array[$key] = $price;

   // there is no price, set the default price
   else  $book_price_array[$key] = 500; 

Here's the test database I built for your problem:

mysql> select  * from table_bookPrice;
| id | price | bookid |
|  1 |   150 |     61 |
|  2 |   100 |     72 |
|  3 |   300 |    100 |
|  4 |   200 |    102 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Here's the PHP code:



// establish an assoc array of bookid => default_price
foreach($books as $bookid){

// build query to select all prices stored in database
$bookids=implode(', ',$books);
mysql_connect('localhost','aj','nothing') or die('unable to connect!');
mysql_select_db('books') or die('unable to select db!');
$stmt="SELECT bp.bookid, bp.price FROM table_bookPrice bp WHERE bp.bookid IN ($bookids)";
while( ($rec= mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) ){



This outputs:

    [61] => 150
    [72] => 100
    [78] => 500
    [100] => 300
    [102] => 200




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