
Generating pass-through code when "preferring composition over inheritance"


Let's say I'm trying to model a cell phone as a combination of a regular phone and a PDA. It's sort of a multiple inheritance scenario (a cell phone is a phone, and it is a PDA). Since C# doesn't support multiple inheritance, this pretty much calls for some kind composition. Plus, let's say that I have other reasons to favor composition anyway.

The thing I always wonder: Are there any tools that will generate all the inevitable pass-through code automatically?

Let me flesh out my example with some actual开发者_开发知识库 code:


public interface IPhone
    public void MakeCall(int phoneNumber);
    public void AnswerCall();
    public void HangUp();

public interface IPda
    public void SendEmail(string[] recipientList, string subject, string message);
    public int LookUpContactPhoneNumber(string contactName);
    public void SyncWithComputer();


public class Phone : IPhone
    public void MakeCall(int phoneNumber) { // implementation }
    public void AnswerCall() { // implementation }
    public void HangUp() { // implementation }

public class Pda : IPda
    public void SendEmail(string[] recipientList, string subject, string message) { // implementation }
    public int LookUpContactPhoneNumber(string contactName) { // implementation }
    public void SyncWithComputer() { // implementation }

The CellPhone class

public class CellPhone : IPhone, IPda
    private IPhone _phone;
    private IPda _pda;

    public CellPhone(IPhone phone, IPda pda)
        _phone = phone;
        _pda = pda;

    public void MakeCall(int phoneNumber)

    public void AnswerCall()

    public void HangUp()

    public void SendEmail(string[] recipientList, string subject, string message)
        _pda.SendEmail(recipientList, subject, message);

    public int LookUpContactPhoneNumber(string contactName)
        return _pda.LookUpContactPhoneNumber(contactName);

    public void SyncWithComputer()

Writing the CellPhone class is tedious and error-prone:

All this class really does is act as a conduit for the Phone and Pda classes. There is really no reason human effort should be required to type out all these pass-through statements (like _phone.MakeCall(phoneNumber);). It's just exposing the public interface of a couple member fields.


  1. Is there a tool (preferably free :)) that will save me from the error-prone tedium of writing pass-through methods? I'm aware that I can automatically generate the stubs using VS, but this only gets me half the way there.

  2. Can you rate the feasibility and desirability of such a feature? Would it be worth putting in a suggestion to Microsoft to add this type of code generation? Would you upvote it if I did? If not, what objections do you have?


Everyone seems to be saying the same thing: Why don't I just make _phone and _pda into public properties? My objection to this is that it violates the "principle of least knowledge". The client of my CellPhone class should just do the things a cell phone does, it shouldn't have to deal with figuring out which features are Phone features and which are Pda features. This creates additional dependencies and makes the features of the CellPhone interface less obvious.

Also, don't focus just on this example. What if I were writing an adapter? It might contain several interface members that are just pass-throughs, but it might also contain some unique members with unique implementation. I believe there are many cases where pass-through code is a good thing, I just don't like writing it.

Yes, you can generate the methods using the brilliant VS add-in, ReSharper

Choose the "generate delegating methods" option from the code-generation menu (Alt-Insert with the default shortcut scheme).

Where you have a class that implements an interface, containing a field that implements the same interface, R# will give you an option to generate the pass-through code. It can work with any number of interfaces, too.

I have seen this suggestion before (not necessarily on Stack Overflow). It was a while ago. I believe the author created a Connect issue, though I don't know its status.

The proposed syntax was one of the following:

public class CellPhone : IPhone, IPda
    private readonly IPhone _phone implements IPhone;
    private readonly IPda _pda : IPda;

    // ...

Adding some visuals and detail to a previously supplied answer.

  1. add the interface to the class you wish to be the wrapping class

    class MyWebElement : IWebElement { }

  1. Find/Click "Delegate implementation of "YourInterfaceHere" to a new field

    Generating pass-through code when "preferring composition over inheritance"

  1. Select your options

    Generating pass-through code when "preferring composition over inheritance"

  1. Click finish and enjoy your new class

    class MyWebElement : IWebElement
        private IWebElement _webElementImplementation;
        public IWebElement FindElement(By @by)
            return _webElementImplementation.FindElement(@by);
        public ReadOnlyCollection<IWebElement> FindElements(By @by)
            return _webElementImplementation.FindElements(@by);
        public void Clear()
        public void SendKeys(string text)
        public void Submit()
        public void Click()
        public string GetAttribute(string attributeName)
            return _webElementImplementation.GetAttribute(attributeName);
        public string GetCssValue(string propertyName)
            return _webElementImplementation.GetCssValue(propertyName);
        public string TagName
            get { return _webElementImplementation.TagName; }
        public string Text
            get { return _webElementImplementation.Text; }
        public bool Enabled
            get { return _webElementImplementation.Enabled; }
        public bool Selected
            get { return _webElementImplementation.Selected; }
        public Point Location
            get { return _webElementImplementation.Location; }
        public Size Size
            get { return _webElementImplementation.Size; }
        public bool Displayed
            get { return _webElementImplementation.Displayed; }

Interesting question. Can the CellPhone class really rely on the implementation of IPhone methods provided by an existing, concrete IPhone class? Or is it more likely that CellPhone will need some custom code backing those methods?

Looking at your code (though I don't know much about your requirements) makes me want to write something like this:

public class CellPhone 
    private Phone _phone;
    private Pda _pda;

    public CellPhone(Phone phone, Pda pda)
        _phone = phone;
        _pda = pda;

    public IPhone getPhone()
        return _phone;

    public IPda getPda()
        return _pda;

    public void MakeCall(string contactName) {
        int phoneNumber = _pda.LookUpContactPhoneNumber(contactName);


Question 2:

I don't really like auto-generated code. Even if the machine generates it -- and without errors -- you'll still be responsible for maintaining it. Those methods seem like so much noise.





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