
Pen testing your MVC application

Here are some the commonly known practices for securing an MVC application:

  • Encode your output
  • Parameterize your SQL
  • Test your search 开发者_运维问答backwards and forward
  • 1 way hash passwords
  • Lock out accounts or limit login attempts
  • Use code based impersonation when accessing the file system
  • Access SQL with a locked down username
  • Use Honey-pots or captchas for form submissions to counter bots

If there are any I missed or misstated please feel free to contribute.

What other techniques/best practices do you use or think about when pen testing your own software. What do you do to "kick the tires" before taking a applications live.

What pen testing services or software do you use if any?

All methods that use modelbinding should be secured with whitelists or blacklists on bindable properties.

string[] allowedProperties = new[]{ "Title", "Description"};
UpdateModel(myObject, allowedProperties);


public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include="Title,Description")] MyObject object )


This is of course to prevent crafted requests from attempting to update/manipulate your objects in ways that weren't intended.

Your list is good, although it is a bit vague. For instance md4 is a one way hash, but its extremely insecure as i can generate a collision on my desktop in less than a day. sha256 with a large salt value is a more secure approach. (I know even this is description incomplete, don't flame)

There is never a catch all security check list that will work across the board. Specific applications can have specific vulnerabilities. Sometimes these flaws can be logic errors that really don't have a classification.

The OWASP Top 10 web application vulnerabilities is an excellent resource that you should study. Most notably you are missing XSRF on your list which can be a devastating attack. There are a large number of "sink" based attacks which you have not listed. For instance what if an attacker could pass in a path of his choice to fopen? A Study In Scarlet goes over many of these attacks against PHP.

All of your suggestions apply to any web application, not just MVC applications.

An MVC-specific suggestions would be something like "skinny controllers, fat models".





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