
Is there a new upcoming C Standard that supersedes C99?

Is there a new upcoming C Standard that supersedes C99? After all there's an unofficial C++0x coming out as per the source in Wikipedia here. For the sake of this question, let's call this C99 superset as C'y2k.01' to not confuse (as I was going to say C99++ which looks like the C++ counterpart.... but I digress)

If there isn't, what would you like to see in the C'y2k.01' standard today in order for the C language to survive in the 21st century? Sure there's Java, .NET, C#, Scala, Erlang, F# to name but a few, but really, go on...

I would like to see:

  1. Unifying the Posix function开发者_开发问答s into the runtime,
  2. with the #1 mentioned above, fork()ing would be much easier and parallelizing the code would be made possible instead of relying on a third party library
  3. The ease of dynamic memory for custom collections such as arrays ... something like this 'char __dynamic foo[];' where you can add/remove elements easily

This is open to debate and discussion.


There is a project in place to update C99. The draft is currently dubbed C1X and is available here. You can also see the charter.

You can see a list of the currently open projects and get up to date news from the ISO C Working Group.





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