
sortable lists, with sortable lists

i'm trying to have 3 levels of lists all of which are sortable & draggable into each other. Basically trying to set up an easy way to manage navigation menus with multiple levels.

Its 90% there but for some reason it wont save an item into a child list. It just seems to get the parent id of the list it came from?!

  • ie. a pink item into the 3rd(blue) level in the same green section.

However i can add an item to the same level list it cam from or to its parent.

a blue item can go to another blue item list or to the pink level?! AANd i've just noticed it does work if you drage a pink item into a pink section frm a different green section..!


any help appreciated! Dc.

$(function() {

        //$("#fdbk").append("<li>"+$(this).attr("id")+" </li>");



function makeSortable(id) {

        connectWith: 'div.sortable',
        opacity: 0.9,
        distance: 15,
        placehol开发者_JAVA技巧der: 'placeholder',
        update : function(e, ui){
            //$("#fdbk").append("<li>update from:"+$(id).attr("id")+" i am:"+$(id).attr("id")+"  </li>");
        /*receive : function(e, ui){
            //$("#fdbk").append("<li>SORT from:"+$(id).attr("id")+" i am:"+$(id).attr("id")+ " i am:"+$(this).attr("id")+"  </li>");
        sort : function(e, ui){
            //$("#fdbk").append("<li>SORT from:"+$(id).attr("id")+" i am:"+$(id).attr("id")+ " i am:"+$(this).attr("id")+"  </li>");


function serialize(s,e) {
    var sortableLinks = $(s); 
    var parentID = sortableLinks.attr("name");
    var data = $(s).sortable('serialize');

        url: "/youradmin/scripts/php/process.php",
        type: "POST",
        data: data+"&parentID="+parentID+"&reorderContent=1"            
    $("#fdbk").prepend("<li>event:"+e+"; idArray:"+data+" parent:<b>"+parentID+"</b> </li>");


this seems to work!

$(function() {




function makeSortable(id) {

        connectWith: 'div.sortable',
        opacity: 0.9,
        distance: 15,
        placeholder: 'placeholder',
        cursor: 'move', 
        update : function(e,ui){

        sort : function(e, ui){
        stop : function(e, ui){


function serialize(s,e,ui) {
    var sortableLinks = $(s); 
    var parentID = sortableLinks.attr("name");
    var data = $(s).sortable('serialize');

        url: "/youradmin/scripts/php/process.php",
        type: "POST",
        data: data+"&parentID="+parentID+"&reorderContent=1"            

    $("#fdbk").prepend("<li>event:"+e.type +" data:"+data+" parentID:"+parentID+" s;"+sortableLinks.attr("id")+" </li>");


function serializeOnStop(s,e,ui) {
    var item = ui.item;
    var newParent = $("#"+item.attr('id')).parent('div');

    var sortableLinks = $(s); 
    var parentID = newParent.attr("id").split("_");
    var data = $(newParent).sortable('serialize');

        url: "/youradmin/scripts/php/process.php",
        type: "POST",
        data: data+"&parentID="+parentID[1]+"&reorderContent=1"            

    $("#fdbk").prepend("<li>event:"+e.type +" data:"+data+" parentID:"+parentID[1]+" s;"+sortableLinks.attr("id")+" newParent:"+newParent+"  </li>");


cheers cornelis...

each item whether child or parent gets its unique id from the db;

<div id="master" name="0" class="sortable">

$level1 = $select->getContentAssoc("","AND content.contentType='mainsection'",""); 
foreach($level1 as $row1){

    <div name="<?=$row1['contentAssocID']?>" id="id_<?=$row1['contentAssocID']?>"  class="sortable"><?=$row1['title']?>
            $level2 = $select->getContentAssoc($row1['contentAssocID'],"AND content.contentType='mainsection'",""); 
            foreach($level2 as $row2){

            <div name="<?=$row2['contentAssocID']?>" id="id_<?=$row2['contentAssocID']?>" class="sortable"> <?=$row2['title']?> <?=$row2['contentAssocID']?>

                        $level3 = $select->getContentAssoc($row2['contentAssocID'],"AND content.contentType='mainsection'",""); 
                        foreach($level3 as $row3){

                            <div id="id_<?=$row3['contentAssocID']?>"><?=$row3['title']?> <?=$row3['contentAssocID']?></div>

                        <? } ?>


            <? } ?>



kinda thought i just need to be able to grab the id of something when its dropped and then call serialise() on its parent?

It's messing up because you are using the same class for everything, it doesn't look if its a child or parent or what, it only sees if you drag a level 3 item to a level 1 list that the classes are the same and that it should be able to drag that item into that list. edit: I used source code from your website:

    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.7.2/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">     
        $('.level-1, .level-2, .level-3').sortable({
            update: function(e, ui) {
    var id_prefix = "id_";
    function update(item) {         
        var parentID = $(item).parent().attr('id');
        var order = $('#'+parentID).sortable('serialize');
        parentID = parentID.substring(id_prefix.length);
    <style type="text/css">
        .level-2 {background-color: lime;}
        .level-3 {background-color: #ff6fcf;}
        .level-4 {background-color: #6FF;}
        div {margin: 5px 0; min-height: 5px; padding: 10px;}

<div id="id_master" class="level-1 list"> 
<div id="id_1017" class="level-2 list">x 1017</div> 
<div id="id_1020" class="level-2 list">y 1020   
        <div id="id_1041" class="level-3 list"> z 1041
            <div id="id_1030" class="level-4">i 1030</div> 
            <div id="id_1021" class="level-4">z 1021</div> 
            <div id="id_1032" class="level-4">iii 1032</div> 
        <div id="id_1018" class="level-3 list"> 1 1018  
            <div id="id_1029" class="level-4">2 1029</div> 
            <div id="id_1022" class="level-4">1 1022</div> 
<div id="id_1042" class="level-2 list">z 1042   
    <div id="id_1033" class="level-3 list"> iv 1033</div>       

Your php code should then look something like this

<div id="id_0" class="level-1">
        $level1 = $select->getContentAssoc("","AND content.contentType='mainsection'",""); 
        foreach($level1 as $row1){
    <div id="id_<?=$row1['contentAssocID']?>"  class="level-2"><?=$row1['title']?>
            $level2 = $select->getContentAssoc($row1['contentAssocID'],"AND content.contentType='mainsection'",""); 
            foreach($level2 as $row2){
        <div id="id_<?=$row2['contentAssocID']?>" class="level-3"> <?=$row2['title']?> <?=$row2['contentAssocID']?>
                        $level3 = $select->getContentAssoc($row2['contentAssocID'],"AND content.contentType='mainsection'",""); 
                        foreach($level3 as $row3){
                        <div id="id_<?=$row3['contentAssocID']?>" class="level-4"><?=$row3['title']?> <?=$row3['contentAssocID']?></div>
                    <? } ?>
        <? } ?>
<? } ?>

Note that I removed the name attributes, what do you need them for if the name is in the id?





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