
Error when calling 3rd party executable from Powershell when using an IDE

I have a PowerShell script that uses du.exe (Disk Usage originally from Sysinternals) to calculate the size of directories.

If I run du c:\Backup in the console, it works as expected, but the same line of code run in ISE or PowerGui gi开发者_运维问答ves the expected result plus the error

+ du <<<<  c:\backup
+ CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

Why is that? How do I avoid this error? I tried invoke-expression, using &, but no go.

Thanks for the help.

Another way to suppress the NativeCommandError output is to convert the objects in the pipeline to strings as outlined at the bottom of this answer:

du c:\Backup 2>&1 | %{ "$_" }

To avoid this you can redirect stderr to null e.g.:

du 2> $null

Essentially the console host and ISE (as well as remoting) treat the stderr stream differently. On the console host it was important for PowerShell to support applications like edit.com to work along with other applications that write colored output and errors to the screen. If the I/O stream is not redirected on console host, PowerShell gives the native EXE a console handle to write to directly. This bypasses PowerShell so PowerShell can't see that there are errors written so it can't report the error via $error or by writing to PowerShell's stderr stream.

ISE and remoting don't need to support this scenario so they do see the errors on stderr and subsequently write the error and update $error.

I've recently been facing the same issues, but I would like to get the stderr output directed to stdout. You would think that the following would work:

    & du 2>&1

But PowerShell will interpret the redirection and process it after 'du' is completed. The work-around I found is to invoke it using cmd.exe /c:

    & cmd /c 'du 2>&1'

Previous FIX will redirect errors but you could lose a real error if by example your user name or password is not good or if using integrated authentication, you do not have access.

So here is a way to implement the error handling and bypass the specific error (that is not one) raised by psexec.

try {
    whoami # powershell commands
catch [System.Management.Automation.RemoteException] {
    if ($_.TargetObject -like "Connecting to *" -and $_.CategoryInfo.Category -eq "NotSpecified" -and $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "NativeCommandError" -and $_.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name -like "psexec*.exe") {
    else {
catch {

After pulling a load of hair out, I realised that actually, these errors only occur when running the .ps1 file from "Windows PowerShell ISE".

When I ran the same .ps1 script from a Command Line, the errors didn't happen.

powershell.exe .\MikesScript.ps1

Write this script at the top of your PowerShell script it will solve this issue and even it will not affect the whole behavior of all error commands

#prepare powershell for docker-compose commands
        if((select-string -Path $profile -Pattern "Set-Alias docker-compose 'docker-compose.cmd'") -eq $null ){
           Add-Content -Path $profile -Value "Set-Alias docker-compose 'docker-compose.cmd'"}
$str = "@echo off
        docker-compose.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 2>&1"
        if ((Get-Content "C:\Windows\System32\docker-compose.cmd" -ErrorAction Ignore) -ne $str){
            $str.Trim() | Out-File "C:\Windows\System32\docker-compose.cmd" -Encoding ascii}




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