
How to install MyODBC in Windows 7?

The downloaded installers from MySQL don't work - ie no mysql driver appears in the ODBC manager thing.

I've downloaded the mysql-connector-odbc-noinstall-5.1.6-win32 version, copied myodbc5.dll and myodbcS.dll to c:\windows\system32

C:\dump\bin>myodbc-installer -d -a -n "MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver"  -t "DRIVER=
Success: Usage count is 2

.. looks good but still no driver appears in the ODBC manager thing .

Help greatly appreciated.

It's not clear whether you're on a 32 or 64 bit Windows, but If you are 64, it probably makes sense that the installation works out, but the driver doesn't turn up in the dialog.

Check out this article: Installing MyODBC 3.51 on Windows 7 x64

Thanks Pekka, you're right (someone else just told me) there's another ODBC manager - \SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe which does show the installed driver. The winX64 MSI installer download works.

Thanks to all for the site.


The nasty thing about this is that Control Panel will show an item entitled "ODBC (32-bit)", but this actually invokes the 64-bit ODBC administration in 64-bit Windows (irresponsively located at c:\windows\system32\odbccp32.cpl).

To get to the 32-bit ODBC administration, either use odbcad32.exe as mentioned by other posters, or invoke control c:\windows\syswow64\odbccp32.cpl.

mysql-connector-odbc-noinstall-5.1.6-win32.zip version can only be installed on a 32bit system, see MySQL documentation

It states that:

The following instructions only work for 32-bit Windows systems. If you have a 64-bit Windows system, use the MSI installer, which installs both the 32-bit and 64-bit drivers to the correct locations.





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