
Custom ComboBox control inside other custom ComboBox control, how to bind Items?

I created two custom ComboBox controls, both inherit from the default ComboBox control:

public BlueComboBox : ComboBox {}
public WhiteComboBox : ComboBox {}

BlueComboBox contains a template and is styled properly and works perf开发者_JS百科ectly. WhiteComboBox is a bit more complex. It contains a template consisting of a TextBlock and a BlueComboBox.

Incorrect snippet, but you should get the idea:

    <TextBlock />
    <BlueComboBox />

Here's the tricky part: since WhiteComboBox is a ComboBox control I would like to bind the items in BlueComboBox to the ones set in my WhiteComboBox control.

  <ComboBoxItem Content="Foo" />
  <ComboBoxItem Content="Bar" />

I tried binding the ItemSource of the BlueComboBox entity used in the template to the ItemsSource property of my WhiteComboBox, but that did not seem to work:

    <TextBlock />
    <BlueComboBox ItemsSource="{TemplateBinding ItemsSource}" />

What's the proper way to use the items defined in my WhiteComboBox instance to the BlueComboBox instance? Am I using the ItemsSource property incorrectly, or should I use another one?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

You could try using a RelativeSource binding:

    <TextBlock />
    <BlueComboBox ItemSource="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type ComboBox}}}, Path=Items}" />

As an aside, usual practice in WPF is to use Styles to alter visual aspects of controls, rather than creating derived types.

There's a second problem I'm experiencing with this.

I styled the ItemContainerStyle property and set a SystemColors.HighlightBrushKey value. When I use the BlueComboBox on its own this works perfectly when I hover over an item. However, when I embed my BlueComboBox in my new control this doesn't work anymore when I use the ItemsSource template binding. When I directly add some ComboBoxItems in my control template to the BlueComboBox item it works again. It also works when I explicitly click on an item.

I tried setting the ItemContainerStyle property on my WhiteComboBox control template and passing it down, but none of the things I tried seems to do the trick.





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