
asp.net MVC: reroute to action in custom action attribute

i'm trying to create an attribute that i can set on my controllers action in which i can check if a user in some kind of role. I know with standard asp.net authentication this is already possible, but i'm not using that.

So what i want to accomplish is this:

[Role("Admin", "SuperUser")]
public ActionResult SafeCourse()

I've constructed this:

public class AdminAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)

Ans now..... i want to re开发者_运维百科direct the user to some controller/action or if that isn't possible to some view when he / she is not in the right role. But i'm not in my usual context (= controller) and i'm somewhat lost :)


If you make your action filter implement IAuthorizationFilter it will execute before other types ... then in OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext) set the result.

Something like

filterContext.Result = new RedirectResult("/Controller/ActionYouWantToDirectTo");



The proper/correct way of doing this

Asp.net MVC has extensibility point exactly for your needs. You should be writing a custom action method selector attribute that would actually select the correct action method based on the definition in the attribute.

public class RoleAttribute: ActionMethodSelectorAttribute

Check this blog post that talks about action method selectors. One of the good extensibility points in Asp.net MVC yet not many developers know about it.





验证码 换一张
取 消

