
Size of structure


It is possible to get size of struct using


Is it possible to get size of a part of a structure(for example I pass to function the last field of a structure and it returns sum of sizes of previous fields)? As I understand is it possible using reflection?

public struct SomeStruct
    public byte b1;
    public byte b2;
    public int i1;
    public int i2;

class Program
    static FieldOffsetAttribute GetFieldOffset(string fieldName)
        return (FieldOffsetAttribute)typeof(SomeStruct)
            .GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FieldOffsetAttribute), false)[0];

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var someStruct = new SomeStruct { b1 = 1, b2 = 2, i1 = 3, i2 = 4 };

        Console.WriteLine("field b1 offset: {0}", GetFieldOffset("b1").Value);
        Console.WriteLine("field b2 offset: {0}", GetFieldOffset("b2").Value);
        Console.WriteLine("field i1 offset: {0}", GetFieldOffset("i1").Value);
        Console.WriteLine("field i2 offset: {0}", GetFieldOffset("i2").Value);


Prints: field b1 offset: 0 field b2 offset: 3 field i1 offset: 7 field i2 offset: 12

The memory layout of a struct is not discoverable in .NET. The JIT compiler takes advantage of this, it re-orders the fields of a struct to get a more efficient layout. This plays havoc with any attempt to use the struct in a way that bypasses the normal marshaling mechanisms. Yes, Marshal.SiseOf() produces a size for a struct. But that size is only valid after using Marshal.StructureToPtr().

A direct answer to your question: no, you can't discover the size, not even with Reflection. By design.

Well, I'm not sure but I think it's impossible due to possible optimization and alignment issues.





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